Having to fight a boss without dying is not fun

Skill doesn’t have to be mechanical
Or would you argue that people lose at chess because they aren’t fast enough to dodge with their figures.
Maybe stop clinging to what ever dropped at level 10 and just use gear that is objectively “better” even if it’s lower tier

There’s a way to fix the click to move and click to attack. It’s in the keybind settings. I separated them and set force move to my scroll wheel on my mouse so it’s click to attack and scroll to move.

Yes yes, I died a few times fighting this someone’s mother. I stop playing after 2 days. I prefer D3.

Literally you have no idea.

A master is not the sum of his tools.

Ruled out the build but not the player then I guess. If you’re not willing to change it up and try im not sure why anyone here should want to help you either.

I didn’t ask for help. I didn’t need help. I just went and got better gear and beat it. It wasn’t hard.

Also, just going to link this thread because of how hilarous people are on the forum.

Why do I have to explain the obvious? Do you really need me to spell it out to you?

Solo player dies in a boss fight, the fight is reset from the start.

Duo player dies in a boss fight, their friend just clicks on their body and brings them back up in 3 seconds. And can be done to each other forever. The fight never resetting.

Nah, it sounds more like a “git gud at designing better games” issue. The combat in the new Zelda game is a lot more skillbased and yet I’m having way more fun in there than here. Wanna know why? The game doesn’t just ever arbitrarily outscale you. It is always fair.

In D4 sometimes your build just can’t do anything. Sometimes your entire class can’t do it. Sometimes you just leveled too fast and now your gear you worked so hard for is worthless against enemies you once had on farm. The nonsensical illogical design doctrine they decided to follow in this game makes the leveling experience just as cancerous as it is in WoW. Never should you feel more weak when leveling up in a videogame.

All Blizzard does these days is just design around the endgame. Which makes me wonder why we even bother with leveling systems to begin with. When clearly it never matters and everyone always tries their hardest to skip it. Get powerleveled, buy a boost, skip skip skip.

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Actually, I want to say you bring up some good points but don’t bring up something or at least you seem to tangent without understanding that design around endgame should be the primary focus of any game.

Of course, progression is the most interesting part of any game.

But, DnD does this in a away where you feel like your progression matters.

Before goblins might have made you stuggle, a few zombies in a cellar could be a party wipe, especially if a single shadow was there.

But then you become stronger and hordes of zombies and shades can’t even match your might.

The problem with diablo 4 is you literally are fighting the strongest enemies in the game at the beginning of the game. You can basically kick a Balrog in the balls and body him.

What’s the point of progression in Diablo 4 when a level 1 is stronger than a level 100.

A level 1 character can 2 shot a mob but a level 40 requires using multiple skills and passives and ridiculously powerful weapons to even take away a 10th of it’s hp.

It’s boring.

skill issue

git gud


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It’s not obvious because the question is being asked, I play most solo and don’t see any issue at all. The fight should reset if you die before beating the boss, I don’t care if a team of players can just res each other, that’s not punishing me. I think it ruins any challenge at all if you can just keep running in mindlessly until they’re dead… I don’t need training wheels.

Like heartstopper said earlier, “this seriously sounds like a git gud issue”

I’m lvl 47 on my Barb and am one shotting most things, 2 or 3 HotA’s for any big rare. This whole thread is a skill issue.

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Or you don’t understand that diablo is not dark souls. It’s a gear check game. And your build has to function as well.

The spiderboss needs a rework…

Oh boy that spidey was annoying xD

Bosses would have 0 challenge if they didn’t reset when you die.

Stop making stuff up. I want to see you in the fields of hatred with your lvl 1 character proving your point.

I think it’s fun. Makes the game actually have some real gateways that require prep and practice to get through. That said, I haven’t struggled on a single boss fight in this game. The ones in Act 1 are probably the hardest overall because you’re underlevel’d and without a proper build yet. Once you get rolling later in the story, even the more “difficult” and “complex” bosses are easy.

Leveled entirely on world tier 2 btw, so if I can handle all the bosses from level 1 to 50 on WT2, you can handle them on WT1. I believe in you.

Diablo 3 and 4 are gear check games and it’s stupid because it’s not at all how the prior two worked. This is how WoW works.

Player Characters do not scale or I would. It’s actually funny because in Destiny people use to get mad when I would win in the crucible with my level 2 character and Khvostov.

I just think MMO style gear checks are stupid. I like games like Diablo 2 because it was about min-maxing stats to defeat a specific challenge.

We won’t see the same kinds of feats that we see people doing in Diablo 2, such as killing ubers with a level 5 paladin.

And you can’t do that in D4 to beat your nemesis?

Just beat Nayrelle’s mom with a level 6 character… Tell me more how it’s a skill issue and not a scaling issue.

Btw… pretty sure minimum level is level 5.