Has anyone refunded yet? Are they denying them?

Buy it later at a discount.

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Well this ain’t D3 kiddo, time for change. D3 was the worst Diablo anyway.

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Discount, plus the game will be better polished then. No sense to pay 90-100 to be testers.

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Im keeping my pre-order even after the Queue time f* ups. Hell the game didnt even dc for 8hrs straight! Now thats a solid server. Cant wait for 6/6/2023!!! Less go!!!

It is barely mp but some people are getting too many disconnects, lag, invisible walls etc. due to always online.

Imagine calling somebody else a “kiddo” for wanting to play the game on his own and without having to deal with the online trolls that would name him a “kiddo” for no reason.

If anybody’s being immature and childish here, it’s you.

On topic: yes I have already refunded on Saturday after finishing Act 1 in the beta, and for the same only reason really, that it there is no option that I could choose to play solo. Otherwise the game is fun so far. I will personally keep watching for news and development of this game, because maybe something changes before it’s launch, that I would buy it again.


I played all day saturday from 8 am till 7pm at 7 pm around that time i get booted but was able to relog backnin.

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That maybe true, but many of the online issues will probably be still around after the release. Heck D3 and D2R still gets lag and disconnects. Waiting a few months for the price drop and multiple beta test from you all will be worth it. Paying 90-100 to be beta testers is foolish. See you guys 6 months after game release, hopefully you guys wil help make the game better.

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Its amazing how they fixed in a day especially for beta! i was wondering it would take entire weekend!

I think when he experienced the Diablo Immortal in the game, it made him throw up and realize its not the Diablo he wanted.

wait a min of 1 year for a $10 discount…there are thousands of ways to save $10…like skip you next session of starbucks.

Probably 50%, i remember the first three months of D3, server issues, que times, lag… then things got better, single player, less players to hog up servers etc.

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D3 in 2012 was the fastest selling PC game ever, In 2023, it might do it again and this time including consoles. It will be a big challenge to live up to the task. The positive is that the Deluxe buyers will beta test the game for the standard edition peoples :smiley:

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This is just the early access crowd, next weekend will be another monster for Blizzard and the same issues will pop out. When the games goes live 3 months from now the same thing will happen. The game only starts to run smooth when a lot of the players just stop playing.

Yeah, the OP was smart to do a refund. He is not the only one, I did too. Going to wait maybe 6 months or when it goes on sale.

Not true, I have played beyond 2 hours with many issues. Got a full refund.

Imagine waiting months to save $10 or $20 bucks. That is literally a lunch.

Laughable really. People refund for the dumbest reasons I’ve seen.


I will wait to save money and not beta test game after it goes live. The whole experience reminded me why I quit D3 during the early days after it went live. Ques, lag, rubber band, no end game, etc. And then they brought D3 on consoles, no requirement to be always on line solved many issues, that’s not months, that few years I think.
But the great thing is the game did not come out yet and the Beta made me remember that I can always wait. Have fun beta testing and I will buy on the cheap later after your hard work.

I am not sold on D4 yet, I know it will be better than D3 was at launch, not gonna refund though… I am looking forward to try out the next couple of zones, level 25+ and the endgame. Also it has a bright future, expansions promised, big team working on seasons alone etc… so I think in the end D4 will be a really good game.