Guess what is coming next on Diablo 3?

Well it looks like the 10 years old Diablo 3 is still alive and kicking, they just made some annoucements on what’s to come…
First - a PTR… dear Diablo IV devs, please go ask your Blizzard co-workers working on D3 or WoW what a PTR is, this may give you ideas on how to avoid the 1.1 patch snafu…
Second - a new mode for next season : a SOLO MODE, yes, thats right a solo mode. I guess online open world is not the only interesting way to play a game… (didn’t anybody already told you that after D4’s launch?)

Edit : Apparantly I’m not the only one who noticed…


D3 getting more seasonal content than D4? What in the circus is this?


The D4 team has to step up their game.

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Might need to see what all this entails. If it is JUST SSF then that wouldn’t get me to play D3 again but if there are other adjustments I might do that out of curiosity

Yes, another petulant child also posted a back-handed attack on the devs.

Congrats, you’re a hive-mind of negativity.


i 100% agree with you

its insane that they dont use a ptr

Actually it is crazy that people think there should be a PTR on a game that just came out a few months ago. How long was d3 out before a PTR was available. Just because something exists in one place does not mean it should or even could exist in another.

20 characters!!

And there was also not much qualitiy of life available at the release of D3 so it is fair that we don’t get it in D4. Imagine learning from the past.
Everything is fine yes, yes.

No, game is not perfect yet. Horse is better now since 1.1.1, progression is better, much less rubber banding although I did get dropped twice today, density is improved but could be a bit better in some cases. I guess I still don’t understand how some people could have clearly seen the direction d4 was going in from the ongoing communication from the devs right up till launch and then still bought a game they should have known would not be exactly like either d2 or d3?

No Diablo fan wanted 4 to be exactly like 2 or 3. If we did, we’d go play either of those. The problem is D4 is like a huge step back from 3 and still a step back from 2. Games are supposed to get better over time, not worse.

They tried a skill tree that was so half baked that D2 did it better. The combat was copying D3, but somehow actively makes players want to quit because it’s so boring rather than staying engaged.

There might be hope for D4 some day, but this release will never be forgotten nor forgiven.

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my god can i get a refuned on d4 plz

I agree that you and quite a few others did not want that, however the posts in this forum over the past two months indicates that there was a large vocal minority that did.

Wait doesn’t d3 have a item problem the modder put mod weapons in the game which just delete all things on the screen

d3 at least feels fun on a moment to moment basis especially compared to d4, also they somehow made the mandatory paragon grind feel even worse on d4 than in d3 where it was literally just dumping points into your main stat, probably because you’re forced into doing nmds for 1 point per dungeon and at least in d3 you had the opportunity to get lego/gear upgrades while grinding paragon unlike in d4 where 99.9999% of drops are just garbage because 99% of item mods are additive and have such low rolls that using them over crit/vuln dmg or cdr is horrible especially combined with how inconsistent item power drops are