Grizzly Rage is the Druid's Achilles Heel

I went through the patch notes and I don’t see this aspect listed? Where did this info come from?

news . blizzard . com

I don’t know if it’s reliable. but they aren’t the only site that I’ve seen post this.

Sure, just casually lose 1000% Crit dmg, for one more active button. Because I’m assuming the trigger will refresh the form, so no more dmg ramp ups.

Although you might be correct, that’s assuming a lot. We don’t know. Also, if it did do that, it would likely be patched because I highly doubt it would be intended.

They need to open up more of the other abilities to werewolf. As it stands, all of the best moves and CC breaks are locked behind earth/ bear builds and grizzly rage.

Not only is the wolf squishier (as it should be), it inherently has no CC breaks and the damage isn’t any better.

I’m kind of left scratching my head and wondering what the point of wolf form is?

Everyone has access to bulwark, just not when GR is active. GR was giving a little too much and people were using it because it was the best source in the entire game of damage, DR and CC break. All on one skill. In all honesty it probably never should have made it to release with that much power.

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You’re not wrong, but it then makes a piece of gear like Mad Wolf’s Glee and a passive like Beastial Rage completely counter-intuitive to use and then spec into Earthen Bulwark or Trample as a wolf, particularly, as a melee wolf.

They’re clearly shoehorning wolfs into cyclone armor, which is fine, but the point still stands that with the state of NM dungeons today it is far more advantageous to mostly play a Bear build (even MORESO now with the Grizzly Rage nerf).

The whole thing doesn’t make sense. I mean, certain things justified nerfs (looking at DR Earthen Bulwark builds and Shred double-dipping aspect damage). Heck, maybe the crit multiplier on Grizzly Rage should have been the nerf. But removing an entire half of the class’s ability to effectively function in difficult NM dungeons is just plain 'ol bad design.

Have cyclone armor break CC or something, I don’t know. What I do know is that standing around with no tools to break CC (save for 6 seconds on a long CD) in a NM dungeon beyond 40 is about as fun as contracting malaria.

They got an aspect that can break you out every 20 seconds if injured and give 4 second immunity but nobody wants to sacrifice damage in order to run it.

Relying on that is a recipe to reroll for ANY HC char. Lol.

Relying on a chance to proc while CC’d really sounds like a great way to get killed 50% of the time.

Not fun.

It’s not a chance to break free, it’s guaranteed every 20 seconds if you get the max rolled version of the aspect. The condition is you have to be injured while CCed so break free quick potion and either kill quickly run away with the remaining 3 seconds. If you happen to have bulwark on your build you will likely get that back somewhere in those 20 seconds.

Now that werewolf builds do not have perma unstoppable you can replace your ghost walker boots with eluding boots. Ghostwalker was for speed farming anyway. Get yourself a get out jail free card. It’s already in the game. I’m not saying it’s the best solution, but it is a solution.

The problem with throwing Bulwark on a Wolf build is that it is entirely counter-intuitive/ productive for builds using Mad Wolf’s Glee or Beastial Rage (and the latter is already way underused, comparatively).

Sure, those things you offered are solutions, but they aren’t good ones. They certainly aren’t good enough to make it a “fun” experience, at least for me. Active abilities allowing adjustment to the environment around the player are far more fun for me than passive. I’m ok dying if I mismanage 3 cooldowns, not because my imperfectly rolled piece of gear didn’t proc or because my ONE active CC break was on a 30 second cooldown, yet the environment throws CC at you every 5 seconds.

That’s just plain 'ol not having the tools to be effective. Sure, you can run around like an idiot waiting for extremely long cooldowns to come up, or you can shoe-horn yourself into 1 or 2 specific builds/ sets of aspects and force something to half work, but neither of those are much fun either.

I think the development team are a bunch of masochists. Probably watched too much Hellraiser and got way too into it. IDK, but their definition of fun is vastly different than what I find fun.

Been a Shred build all my life and Eluding Boots were my shoulder to cry on for a very long time, even with the prior perma unbreakable GR. Eventually I did enough damage and can stomach a 3 second CC to live without the aspect and replaced it with damage aspect

Been playing with the new nerfed Wolf!GR for the past few hours. I’m a lot more conservative with GR now and save it for either spirit preservation or in emergencies where I do get CC locked

On Werebear build, I use GR as normally since I have access to multiple different CC unlocks

I think this is the way they wanted people to use Wolf!GR: being more picky of when to use it

It’s not enough for me to stop using it + other ults just still not up to par vs. 6 seconds unbreakable

Even with the Heavy Nerf to Grizzly Rage, it’s still by far the best Ultimate… lasts a long time, give a ton of crit damage… and Rampaging Werebeast is pretty much necessary for most builds for the Spirit Cost reduction alone. I actually tried speccing out of it and using the newly buffed Cataclysm and while decent vs packs with my Lightning Storm build, it has a ton of issues with running out of Spirit on smaller packs or bosses, and Cataclysm just doesn’t feel like it does enough damage with it’s long cooldown to justify giving up Grizzly Rage. Oftentimes you’re stuck with a long 20-30 second cooldown even with Calamity.

Of course, Grizzly Rage also has two aspects that affect it while the other Ultimates have none.