Grizzly Rage is the Druid's Achilles Heel

I can agree with that. But it’s still more than just Rampaging Werebeast, because it’s also the ultimate that innately has unstoppable, which is also a must at endgame. So, I could also just say “You’re wrong.”. But that’s useless, when we are in fact, both right (well, you are in some regard), were looking at the same glaring issue, you’re focused on one specific aspect of it. I’m looking at it more broadly.

Furthermore, upon reading your post you linked, your ideas on a lot of things are still very short sighted. Especially from someone that just wants to start off by stating “You’re wrong”. Many of your suggestions would absolutely not fix anything, if I’m being completely honest with you. But your idea for Rampaging Werebeast is exactly what I’m saying… HOWEVER… the glaring issue still remains that you can’t do anything with that change if you don’t let the player use any skill they want with Grizzly Rage… and now we’re back to square one, and my point exactly.

In your idea, we have a Legendary that does exactly the same thing as it does right now, because you can’t use Grizzly Rage with anything new. So your idea solves nothing in terms of what I’m posting about, which is Grizzly Rage.

That’s why I state, and stand by, the fact that it’s not JUST that legendary Aspect (Rampaging Werebeast) but it is specifically Grizzly Rage that is at the core of the issue.

Thanks for your input, it was thoughtful, and I honestly do appreciate it immensely. But… you’re wrong. it’s not JUST that Aspect that needs to be reworked.