Great Job Killing Your Game KEK

They absolutely didn’t. I dont even think they thought lillith could be killed.


no they didnt lol

siphoning strikes big nerf

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are we talking about D4 or real life?


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Release a game that sucks and double down by making it suck even harder. Absolutely based. We’ll take your money then spit in your face.


Debatable, I have a Rogue with BIS end game gear to, feels a lot weak then it was, Vul/Dex got hit hard as well and CDR on Imbue/Traps got nerfed


Wait, so you are a Dev of this game? I mean, why would you thank a person for their purchase of a product you are not selling?


Can’t wait for the next campfire.
Will be a bigger second-hand embarrassment watching it than Wyatt cheng after April fools joke question was :joy:


Went in NM and point blanked a skelly in the face. He lost like 5% health. 2 hours ago that would have killed him, his family, and the next three generations. It’s a little rough. Using too much essence just to set up AoE kills and have nothing in the tank after tendrils to nuke them down. Don’t understand why generator is so slow and doesn’t restore essence now.


You mean they sold us an unfinished, rushed, low quality product?


oh my i think you might be on to something

Prob not, but i gotta make the money spent worth it somehow right?

You forgot the “Signed by Blizzard” at the bottom of your post. With a PS of “FU” at the end.

How to ruin a game with just one patch. Well done Blizz.

My Druid that worked fine now doesn’t even leave a scratch on the butcher. Stayes there unable to move because everything stubs him and there nothing to do against it.

Killed the fun of a game in one day. If this was the plan it worked perfectly.


ikr, sorc needed a buff, they needed to buff the bad skills, but didn’t need to nerf anything.

Now it does f all dmg and it’s even more squishy.

What’s good about doing less damage and getting 1 shot in dungeons T55+, that’s not even that high.
T100 is gonna be impossible now.

I just can’t believe the notes when i read it.
they destroyed the game.

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They’re eating thc gummy’s for candy. They’re stoned, like really stoned.

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that simple the dev slow down end game and make the game unplayable on the normal realm

and forcing player to restart the grind in season 1 for the Malignant power and add 0 tab for inventory , this game is just total trash , the player base are only puppet of this horrible change , anyone ask for this crap

Did you actually Laugh Out Loud?

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what? the only change that effects any rogue is a nerf to our only healing. no one really uses anything else they touched. oh ya, disobedience nerf hits a class like rogue 10x harder than a druid or barb…

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