Got most classes to 25, my thoughts about the beta

Will start with the obvious, the visuals, music, sound is great. Dreadful UI though not sure what was going on there but a big miss. Really miss the overlay map and i wish we could zoom out more (as default) and it should not require a widescreen monitor to be able to see more.

I do like the flow of combat in D4 since it reminds me a lot of D3 (the good parts). It’s quick and snappy. The only downside is the random mob density in the open world, it works better in the dungeons.

Melee feels weak/unfair for druid and barb earlygame, they get better down the line but first impression is important.

For me itemization it feels very close to D3, not a big fan that attributes have zero impact earlygame and it’s a shame because it’s the easiest way to guide the player. Items stats gets a bit bloated on the items so i stopped caring pretty early and just started looking into it at max level. Do like the crafting by added legendary affixes into rare items, but thats about it.

Sorc is the only character that felt finished.
Necro’s book of the dead is very very underwhelming, it honestly feels pointless.
Barb’s mastery is kinda boring, wish there was something more.
Druid was missing the special class feature, it looka cool but i fear a bit underwhelming as with the Necro.
Rogue’s feature i missed completely but also the only class i didn’t get to max level.

The skill tree felt underwhelming for all classes, but maybe more skills will arrive during seasons? I do fear a ton if this is it in version 0.8xxxx , because the paragon-system seems to have mostly if not only passive stuff.
I do like that there is a Paragon-cap, about time.

The dungeons looks great but boring design and horrible mechanics, i just couldn’t push myself to clear all of them. Needs a major overhaul new tiles won’t save them, they are broken in it’s core.

Speculation now but it feels this game has gone into development hell, because very few things feel finished. Maybe it will be great in a year or two but as i stands now it was an easy refund for me. However i do hope they keep improving and that we get a Diablo game with depth and challenge further down the line.

You’ll be playing day1 and we all know it

You played all 5 classes in a beta. Same content over and over. You obviously liked it overall.