Please Note: This is just a Cliff Notes version of the Live Stream. This post will only go over the VoH Content, if you would like a rundown of the other changes please visit my other post here: ℹ ggiNotes Part 1 of 2 (VoH not included) Pre-Launch Developer Update Oct. 2nd
Lots of various changes here, some runes were tweaked, others were removed entirely, just going to briefly go over some changes, patch notes has more info of course.
- Removed Ur, Ono, Met, Kaa
- Ohm: Warcry - No longer gives Berserking to non-Barb classes
- Yom: Druid Petrify - Rune itself is NOT changing
- Ultimate Skill receives Critical Damage Bonus from Enhanced version
- Baseline Petrify will grant 100 resource when used
- Runeword will Stun enemies & give 100 resource
- Kry: Spiritborn Vortex - Offering decreased from 500 to 300
- Ton: Meterorites - Rune version damage increased to 260%, offering cost reduced from 25 to 20
- Ceh: Summon Spiritwolf - Jumps to targets further and faster, attack damage and leap damage increased
Three new passives have been added to the Skill Tree. Jaguar and Eagle Halls have been adjusted. Multiple specific uniques have been added, including 1 Mythic Unique for Spiritborns (no mention of other classes getting their own specific Mythic Uniques). If you would like to see the slides for uniques please visit here: Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred & Season 6 Pre-launch Developer Livestream Summary - Wowhead News roughly halfway down the page.
New multi-floor timed dungeon, recommended for leveling, and offers specific goals along with allowing specific rewards to farm. Located in the new town of Kurast.
Killing Afflicted Monsters will grant you more time. New Attunement meter will increase as you kill enemies, granting more rewards depending on which milestone you reached on the meter at the end. There are currently 4 Ranks (notches if you will) on the meter.
Timer will be shown in the top right of the screen next to your mini-map and does not appear to start until you start moving. The amount of floors and the floor you are currently will be displayed as well, ex. Floor: 1/3.
Upon arriving at the boss room the timer stops, so please keep that in mind so you don’t lose your rewards, you can just rush to the boss room if needed.
Tributes and Bargains
- Version of a Nightmare Dungeon Key (you can run Undercity without these)
- Will grant you specific rewards but also give the dungeon specific negative affixes
- These come in Magical, Rare, Legendary, and Unique versions
- Additional Reward can only be obtained upon reaching Attunement Rank 1
- Magic - Grants Bonus Experience
- Rare - Grants guaranteed Runes
- Legendary - Grants Ancestral Legendaries (3 were shown to drop in the stream)
- Unique - Grants several Uniques, with an increased chance of a Mythic Unique
- Negative Dungeon Affixes:
- Starting Time - Magical starts at 100 seconds, Rare = 75s, Legendary = 60s, Unique = 45s
- Time Bonus Penalty - I’m assuming this means the amount of Bonus Time you get upon killing an Afflicted enemy
- Potion Drop Penalty - Less potions dropping would be my best guess here
- Applying a Tribute will allow you access to select a Bargain
- These will cost gold, herbs, OR crafting materials of varying costs, to add another layer of specificity to the loot that drops. Examples:
- Legendary Armor will ALWAYS possess at least one Skill Rank affix
- Legendary Amulets will ALWAYS possess at least one Passive Rank affix
- Legendary will possess a flat Core Stat affix when possible
- List also included: Primary Resource, Resistances, Offensive, Defensive, Utility, Mobility, Resource, Chaotic Uniques
- More Weapons, More Armor, More Jewelry
Unique Treasure Goblin - Portal Prankster
- Exclusive to Undercity
- Rewards a bonus Chest at the end of the Dungeon, which will grant you extra loot, runes, and tributes
- Has a particular mechanic different from normal goblins
- Video for those interested: Time stamp is 2:13:43 just in case
- Available from Torment I
- Three separate wings with a different boss in each wing
- Requires at least 2 players, although it is tuned for 4 players
- New smart and difficult monsters (HC players beware)
- QoL - New Marker System you can assign to your emote wheel to place markers on the ground
- Weekly reward that resets on Tuesdays (subject to change) after completing ALL 3 Wings
- Citadel Coins scale up depending on difficulty
- Coins can be used to purchase Scrolls of Restoration (Tempering) among other various rewards, a few examples:
- Incense of Khazra Power - 20 minute duration, All stats +30, Killing enemies grants +2 all stats for 5 seconds, Exp 5%
- Incense of Fortitude - 20 minute duration, Increases Damage by 5%, for each nearby dead player, gain 5% damage up to 15%, Exp 5%
- Elixir of Swift Revival - 30 minute duration, Increases Healing by 15% and Revive Speed by 25%, After Reviving a player, gain +10% Move Speed for 5 seconds., Exp 8%
- Elixir of Sacrifice - 30 minute duration, Every 10 seconds, your next Core Skill heals you and Nearby allies for 10% of their max Health, Restore an additional 5% max Health for each Nearby ally, up to 25%, exp 8%
- Scroll of Generosity - Revive up to 3 players
- Scroll of Abundance - Use to restore 30% Health and drop Health Potions for Nearby Players
- Coins can be used to purchase Scrolls of Restoration (Tempering) among other various rewards, a few examples:
- Live Stream showed off specific cosmetics only available once you’ve completed the Citadel on Torment 4
Please refer to this link: Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred & Season 6 Pre-launch Developer Livestream Summary - Wowhead News for more information and examples of some of the passives Mercs get.
Mercenaries are only available when you are playing Solo.
Raheir - The Shield Bearer
- Basically your tank
- Has two pathways in the skill tree:
- Tower Shield - Thick of battle
- Round Shield - Holy Protector
- Mercenary Perk: Valiance - Cooldown 30s
- When you would be damaged for at least 15% of your current Life at once, Raheir comes charging in, knocking down close enemies for 2 seconds and giving you Unstoppable for .5 seconds.
- When you would be damaged for at least 15% of your current Life at once, Raheir comes charging in, knocking down close enemies for 2 seconds and giving you Unstoppable for .5 seconds.
Varyana - The Berserker Crone
- Crazy cook for the mercenaries
- Has two pathways in the skill tree:
- Dual Wield Axes - Visceral Cleaves
- Large Mace - Heavy Slams
- Mercenary Perk: Massacre - You and Varyana stack Massacre together on kills.
- Certain stack thresholds grant Movement Speed: 10, 25, 50, and 100 stacks grant increasing movement speed.
- Resets after 7 seconds of not killing an enemy.
Subo - The Bounty Hunter
- Ranged Fighter
- Has two pathways in the skill tree:
- Long Bow - Precision and Traps
- Crossbow - Heavy Bolts and Explosives
- Mercenary Perk: Seeker - Cooldown 20s
- Passive: Subo reveals all enemies and materials in the area.
- Active: Subo calls out an enemy target, marking them for 10 seconds. Killing a marked enemey restores 50% of your maximum reousrce and reduces Subo’s Seeker cooldown by 10 seconds.
Aldkin - The Forsaken Child
- Ranged Magic Damage
- Has two pathways in the skill tree:
- Fire Magic - Burn and Suffer
- Shadow Magic - Haunting Souls
- Mercenary Perk: Blasphemous Fate
- Ocassionally loses control transforming into a demon for 22 seconds. Grants Aldkin new abilities, but the unleashed evil curses you for its duration.
- Curse of Darkness: You and nearby enemies become Vulnerable.
- Curse of Flames: Your direct damage Burns enemies # [30%] damage over 3 seconds, but you lose 10% of your Maximum Resource per second.
- Aldkins curse and demon form are determined by his Mercenary Core Skill.
- Available to everyone whether you are in a party or not
- Reinforcements will come to your aid at key moments during combat.
- Select an Opportunity - When does this happen?
- Select a Skill - When I use this skill my Reinforcement will use their own skill
- Similar to the Reputation system, it’s the progression system for Mercenaries
- Earn Rapport by completing most activities or killing worthy foes with (Name of Mercenary) as a Hired Mercenary of Reinforcement.
- First 4 Rapport Ranks will grant you skill points for the Merc skill trees
- Starting from Rank 5 you will receive upgrades for Bartering
- Last Rank of Rapport is repeatable to obtain Bartering currency
- Mercenary Hideout talk to Fayira to trade your Bartering currency for items
- As you upgrade your mercs you will increase the list of items
- Each mercenary has an aspect category associated with them
- Example: Aldkin grants a Resource Aspect Cache
- Various items to choose from, such as Masterworking, Boss Summoning, Specific Aspect, Salvage Materials Caches, just a few examples.
- You can spend Bartering Currency to reroll what the vendor has available
- You get 1 free reroll daily
- You get 1 free reroll daily
Q&A Post will be later tonight, or tomorrow, it’s been a busy day since the live stream, apologies.