Please Note: This is just a Cliff Notes version of the Live Stream. Please refer to the Live Stream itself or the Patch Notes for further details. I will also have another post with the Q&A, which I will link here when I get it done. I’m also leaving out the information for VoH content in this post, I will make another post about it.
Patch Notes can be found here: Diablo IV Patch Notes — Diablo IV — Blizzard News Also note that there are two different patch notes listed.
Highly recommend visiting: Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred & Season 6 Pre-launch Developer Livestream Summary - Wowhead News For a view of the slides if you’re interested.
- Monster intensity scales over Torment difficulties instead of standard difficulties
- Elites, Unique Elites, and Super Elites deal normalized damage (Super elite affixes were been dealing 2x the damage for example)
- Penitent Difficulty now available from level 1
Non-Ancestral Legendaries
- Masterworking up to rank 8
- Can now be Tempered Twice
The chance for Unique items to drop as Ancestral has been tripled.
Scrolls of Restoration will be given as rewards for the final two stages of the Season Journey. You will also be able to obtain them through other means as well.
Main Stat reverted back to Season 5 values, it now contributes far less Skill Damage. It was doubled during the PTR.
Legendary Glyphs have been scaled back on their additive and multiplicative damage, they were adding too much damage over gear.
More normal nodes have been added to support the new legendary glyph radius upgrades.
Rare and magic nodes adjusted to be more generally useful and powerful.
- Potion Healing → Healing Received
- Damage Reduction from DoTs → Damage Reduction
- Added Damage while using specific weapon → Added Damage
- Doubled all additive bonuses on rare and magic nodes
- Increased Damage Reduction values by ~1.5x
Keys are exclusively obtained via drops from a variety of activities
Council Boss always drops Infernal Hordes Unique items and dungeon boss loot, scales with Torment difficulty
Chest Updates
- Chest of Greater Equipment - 200 Aether
- Chest of Materials - Now converts ALL remaining Aether into materials
Significantly increased Ancestral drop rates from Nightmare Dungeons and Whispers
Nightmare Dungeons provide experience on completion
Misc. Buffs to loot - Hellborn, Butcher, World Boss, Treasure Goblins
Stronghold Experience is now on First-Time completion, they will now grant you 1.25 levels.
Non-Legendary items Auto-Salvaged starting in Torment I
Paragon Glyphs can now drop from the Pit
Mythic Unique Crafting Update
- You must now visit the Blacksmith to craft a Mythic Unique with Resplendent Sparks
- 2 Resplendent Sparks gets you a random Ancestral Mythic Unique (not sure if the 4 spark method is staying or not)
- 2 Resplendent Sparks + a Set of Runes creates a specific Ancestral Mythic Unique at the Jeweler
Large amounts of common salvage can be used to forge random legendary equipment at the Blacksmith (chance for Unique/Mythic)
Sockets can now be added to gear with general salvage material, Scattered Prisms are required for Ancestral Items
- Jeweler no longer has a level requirement to use
Lots of buffs and fixes per class, please refer to the patch notes, there’s just too many to list here sorry.
Season of Hatred Rising (S6) is bringing back the Green Helltides from S2 now called ‘Hatred Rising’
- Players will chase around a new enemy, the Realmwalker, initially appears under ground with a portal sticking out that summons enemies
- Eventually it will pop out of the ground and go on a walk, spawning enemies along the way, then will arrive at its destination so you can kill it
New Seasonal Items - Seething Opals - Rare Elixirs that will give you a buff to drop additional items of a specific type, accumulate reputation with the Zakarum Remnants, and gain a 15% experience buff that WILL stack with all other buffs, including other elixirs and incense.
- Of Gold - Enemies Routinely drop additional Gold.
- Of Equipment - Enemies Routinely drop additional Equipment.
- Of Materials - Enemies Routinely drop additional Herbs and Crafting Materials.
- Of Torment - Enemies Routinely drop Artificer’s Stones and occasionally drop Boss Summoning Materials or Infernal Compasses
- Of Socketables - Enemies Routinely drop additional Gem Fragments and occasionally Runes
More info about the new Season can be found here: Conquer Colossal Foes in Season of Hatred Rising — Diablo IV — Blizzard News Among other things
This is the end for this post, I will make Part 2 to go over what they talked about for VoH, along with another post for Q&A. Thank you.
Edit: Part 2 is up: ℹ ggiNotes Part 2 of 2 (VoH Information) Pre-Launch Developer Update Oct. 2nd
Q&A is also up: ℹ October 2nd, Dev Update Q&A W/ Bonus Questions