Running into the butcher in a dungeon is a guaranteed death that is out of your control. Diablo 4 needs to fix this because it is not fair. You cant defeat him nor can you run away and escape him. He will just pull you in and he runs faster than you. Guaranteeing your death and deletion of your character. I enjoyed playing hardcore, but this is not fair. Currently Diablo 4 has a system in place where there is a very good chance to delete your character and there’s nothing you can do. Please fix this! I enjoyed playing hardcore.
How many times did you die to him?
i only died once, in my 1st character, he is actually not really strong… or you are building only damage, or you just havent learn, that u need to keep your evade for his headbutt and hook, also anytime you get close to him, a diferent song starts, so you know he is there, he always says ‘fresh meat’ and you have plenty of time to run before he even gets close to you, or just simply use a scroll if you have, imo he should be a lil bit stronger, he is suposed to be scary, not just some random elite…
build more defensive itens, save your evade/dash (whatever mobility skill you have) for the right time, you will learn eventually…
He is death if you see him before you have any real damage or escape scrolls. That is why I have stayed away from dungeons while leveling in HC. I only do the dungeons that have an aspect I need and I get xp elsewhere. It is slower, but safer, and I am about not dying in HC. Take No Chances Jammur they call me! Or they should.
My 52 barb is riding around with his cleaver hanging off his horse as a trophy.
Initially I thought he was going to be a problem but now I kind of look forward to him showing up. He’s kind of mid-tier gatekeeper. If you can’t easily dispatch him on WT1 then you have no business being in WT2 and so on. True… I refuse to enter a dungeon until I’ve got a Scroll of Escape (and maybe another death avoidance or two) in case I’m pushing beyond my limits but that’s my choice. Besides, he gives one of the best character titles – Chef – I like to combine that with other titles like Iron Chef or Wicked Chef.
I’ve died once on my first character as well BUT he is so easy to cheese. Just run around him and when he stops to do his stomp or whatever skill takes a second to animate, you hit him from behind, rinse and repeat, it may take awhile but you won’t die. Don’t go too far out of range because he can pull or charge. Safest spot is right up close to him running around him.
He is not a guaranteed death.
Plenty of ways to kills him, and you can always scroll out. If you are rogue, you can even dash 2 screens away and do a normal TP.
I like that he’s scary and challenging. Won’t mind dying to him either.
Well its not “guaranteed death” not by a long shot, you have plenty ways to kill him or escape, gosh you can just run forward using dodge and be safe if u can’t kill him yet. I have killed him on every difficulty, on sorc i even met him 3 time in a row leveling on dungeons, on lvl 16,17 and 19, so just 3 easy legendaries…
Hell no way to remove him from HC, one of my best memories so far in the game when U encounter him early game.
Soon enough U will face tank/melt him, almosty feel sad for him atm
Got him to spawn at level 18 on my Druid last night, and that coward ran from me when I had him on the ropes.
Not exactly a death sentence but you really shouldn’t press your luck—that’s the point of hardcore, game knowledge and learning from your mistakes.
He’s actually a perfect fit.
Died to him during beta when I didn’t know about him. Fun memory lol. Absolutely demolished him yesterday when he spawned first time on my much more leveled up necro - though admittedly he spawned RIGHT after I picked up an artillery shrine (not sure if coincidence or he triggers on various events). I was more scared from my experience than actual danger.
Either avoid dungeons pre-level 20, and or carry a scroll of escape, or don’t worry if you lose a pre-20 character since it’s so fast to get there and he is a very rare spawn. You could also potentially kill him or flee form him before 20 too if you’re good or lucky enough.
Bullshi t. I have 3 high level hardcores, havent died once after the game launched. My last death was on beta vs Ashava, killed Butcher many times already as barb, druid and rogue, and he never got me. Go play softcore.
Barb is broken, sorc can’t kill Butcher or if you can you must be higher level and with a specific build.
You could escape thought.
Lol Sorc can’t? i can face tank him since lvl 30 at least ^^. Now U need to build for mana sustain once u reach it Butcher is a joke (ice armor makes u unvulnerable & ice shards do the melting^^ )
show me a video of a sorc below level 85 killing butcher at t4 with iceshards
I was able to kill him on t3 level 68.
Just kite and hit within a short distance to avoid the charge.
No. He is easily avoidable with Scroll of Escape and killable with Skill. Use pillars to kite in a round circle. A few times at lower levels I even could run away from him further and just despawned.
I just died to the Butcher at HC lvl 9… I have a Barb in non-hardcore that has died to him twice… It’s ridiculous. I could do nothing. WTF are these people thinking… Butcher has full capabilities and I could barely run… That seems fair…
I melted him… well, baked actually… last night with a level 41 Firewall Sorcerer. The idiot follows you everywhere so I found a nice tight corridor and laid down multiple firewalls, kept my Hydra on him and just rotated thru my cooldowns… Frost Nova (gain shield, gain mana) firewall… Teleport to the other side of him (gain shield, gain mana) refresh Hydra… Ice Armor (gain even more shielding, gain main) firewall… ooh… ultimate off cooldown SNAKE!.. repeat until he died. I rarely had to drink a potion and ended the fight with 6/7 potions left.
Yeah… I’ll admit… when I heard, “Fresh Meat!” I had a moment of butt clench. But I knew my gear was good and my skills were ready. I also knew I had Scroll of Escape bound to F5 if it came to that. So I hit him with my ultimate and then picked the location I wanted for the fight. And now I’m an Iron Chef.
It’s far from guarantee death, I farm butcher. But if you’re still leveling, and too weak to fight him to just use scroll of escape, easy.