Get rid of the Butcher in Hardcore mode

Not a guaranteed death. Prepare for him by using defensive/mobility gear and skills. Have the scroll of escape ready. Develop a mental pair of metallic spheres and face the challenge.

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Killed the butcher at lvl 17 on a solo barb today… admittedly sweated it out until the very end, ran out of potions and almost died but still got him…

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I had just fought a group of mobs in the level 15 rogue dungeon. They were all dead and I was ready to move on. Was one potion down out of my four (4) available as a newb and he popped right on top of me. I used my evade to get away from him twice. I downed all three of my pots and he hooked me and then one shot.
I have beaten him many times on softcore. He usually pops in an area that you can kite him around and get behind pillars or other ‘natural’ features. But, in HC…the appearance of “THE BUTCHER” is a bit uncalled for. Oh, well…I always play HC and this is it for me in D4, unless the devs address this. Either delete him in HC instances or give us a “mulligan”. As Jimmy Valmer famously says: “I mean come on”.
Anyone that says they survived him (at the lower levels at least) is a liar. He is unbeatable in HC, especially as a new char.

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Weak man, go back to softcore and stay there

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He is not unbeatable. He is not inescapable. Level20+ you get “mulligan” drops called scrolls of escape. Either avoid dungeons pre-level20 or be prepared for the small chance to face him (which is hard at low level but possible).

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I have not died to the Butcher in HC.

First couple of times I met him I ran away. Third time killed him. Fourth time ran away again because the dungeon was a bad match (narrow tunnels, no room to kite). Good ol fashioned leg power, no scroll of escape. After that I outgeared him so have killed him every time we’ve met.


With my non-ice sorc in SC, i’d likely die.
First (And only) time I encountered him was with my rogue and was a cake run (i did have my 2 movements skills and some rare boots and a decent speed, so i could get out of range to regen/CD, took a bit of kitting but was quite easy.

I suspect my druid would survive him.
My HC Barb would i am not so sure (he died around 20).

I’ve killed the Butcher multiple times with sorc. Roughly around these levels, ~25, ~30, ~40, ~52, ~58.

You just need to kite him. Pillars are your best friends. I normally TP away if I don’t have any decent kiting opportunities though.

His loot isn’t amazing as well, so besides the achievement it isn’t really worth the risk anyway.

It’s not a guarantee. You are supposed to be challenged by it and be scared. it should not be removed from HC only, that would be absolutely stupid. The entire mode is based around learning the game, pushing yourself and knowing how and when to back off. Play smarter and don’t beg for the HARDCORE mode to be easier. Go to softcore and keep hitting respawn.


What many don’t seem to realize is that the Butcher is easy to avoid. Before you see him (or more importantly he sees you) the game changes the dungeon music. This happens when he’s about a screen from what you can currently see. He’s got his own leitmotif. If you’re so overwhelmed by the content of the dungeon you’re in that you can’t pay attention to the sounds you’re probably in over your head and the Butcher will be your doom. Unless you’ve got a Scroll of Escape handy or a solid escape route/plan.

I just had fun killing him with my level 11 Barbarian… I heard the music change, looked at the map, saw I had ample room to fight him and a clear path back to the exit… Announced to my clan I was heading into the fight and whooped his red butt into a fine mulch. Scored a decent legendary chest piece for it.

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Don’t agree. Just make sure you have an escape scroll if you’re not ready to kill him. I always carry around those, and if I die because I forgot to take it with me, it’s my fault, not the game.

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Wasn’t aware of this. That’s very impactful advice =o.

I ran into the butcher once at level 58 during my hardcore run. The only issues are that he doesn’t show up more often and that the loot isn’t great.

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This works, but the battle/combat music does not play if you have the ambient music turned off.

In some games, ambient, battle/combat and “music” are separate options. Unfortunately, the battle music is not a toggle here.

That’s not an option until level 20. Scrolls of Escape can’t be used until then. I mentioned above that I took him on with a level 11 Barbarian but not that I teleported back to town, discovered I couldn’t use the scrolls, and still opted to face him.

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Heavily disagree. I love the Butcher and you can escape him pretty easily if you can’t kill him.

Well the butcher itself is ok.

What is not ?
4 classes can facetank him, aka not runing from him.
1 cannot.

Thats stupid tarded system.

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Which class do you think can’t go toe-to-toe with him? I easily melt (well, chill) him to death in WT3 with my sorcerer. Near endless shields… I only use teleport to spawn a shield and get mana not to run. The only class I haven’t beat him with (yet) in HC is Necro but I only started one today.

The Butcher is basically free loot once you have a decent build. Worst comes to worst cheese kite him around a small impassible object. He’s not the smartest.


He can also show up in those little hideouts and holes in the ground as I discovered first hand today in hardcore mode.

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