General Feedback, List of Suggestions:

I would like to draw your attention to the following:

  1. When I open my stash or talk to a merchant, the spacebar causes the character to roll instead of marking the item as trash.
  2. It would be nice to take all the hotkeys for shifting items from diablo 2: for example, to shift from inventory to stash or from inventory to the ground, or to put on a character, or to put on a character when the stash is open. Now we have in different places - different rules for pressing, many hot keys are not provided at all (such as throwing to the ground).
  3. It would be nice to make a description when hovering in the inventory on the “Attack Strength” parameter, which is located next to “Armor” and “Health”. Describe - what is it, how is it calculated, what weapon does it belong to, what skill does it belong to, does it affect the damage of skills, and if it does, then on all skills or only selected ones?
  4. You need to add a hot key to open a bookmark with detailed characteristics of the character (the place where the “Spikes”, “Resistances” parameter, etc. are present).
  5. It is necessary to make (as in other diablos) so that when opening the inventory or any other additional window with characteristics, the game area with the character in the center would shift to the remaining area of the screen (this is necessary in order to track some parameters in difficult situations during the battle , which are only presented in the detailed specifications).
  6. It is necessary that on items with a unique modifier that can be obtained from it, even at the stage when you look at the item, it should be written for what other types of items it can be used (Amulets and boots; other groups of items). This must be known before disassembling the item.