Gauntlet sucks for most players

I’m not a Gauntlet fan. It is content that is not meant for a player like me. That said, I think it’s perfectly OK for Blizzard to create content for players that do enjoy this sort of game play. Let them have their fun!

There will be more content for players such as you and me in the future. Season #4. Don’t worry. Check back in 4-6 weeks and see what else Blizzard has created for us in terms of end game.

How is this constructive? Wow

Its constructive in the sense you just need to play the game. You get so much distilled fear passively playing the game.

I had some sausage egg mc muffins for the first time in a while this am… pretty good

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I saw the 3 runs on the campfire chat and felt that I had done enough gauntlet runs. Haven’t done a single one since they went live. Not interested.

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Leaderboards are a fairly asinine idea for broad appeal to begin with. Mmr and matchmaking systems are much more meaningful, and numerous at-skill-level tournaments would be an excellent extension that has been neglected forever. In essence, you’re dealing with simpletons who ironically conceive of what’s worthwhile as only the top. Granted, much of this commentary doesn’t apply to Diablo but the notion that having leaderboards is a broadly meaningful addition to or component of a game like this is moronic. Nonetheless, some people were asking for it and the Blizzard team gave them an exceptionally stupid variety of it. Watching the ineptitude is more entertaining than playing the actual game.

Think about the time they wasted on this update… seriously itemization takes till season 4 is a complete joke hahaha… the itemization at this point is only going to be bait for people to come back, with what these devs have accomplished with 45 skins in thier item shop the “itemization” most likely will not be great… the fact is these devs dont even listen to the streamers trying to help them or the game… if they dont listen to them they wont listen to us


Thats the point, if you want participation trophies you can head back to D3

This is D4, nobody cares about D3 or what they did there

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Yup. it’s working as intended. YOu are salty becoz you are far from the top 1000. You thought by playing lazy can get you something in here. Effort > Reward. The top 1000 is acknowledged on the list for their effort. Lazies would never ever be on the list.

This is for the 2% who are lifers/streamers/Both. Blizzard only knows how to appeal to the small percentage of their player base. The leader boards are a joke. It’s not about being lazy, who ever said this is ignorant, it’s about making something for the people who complain the most. What a waste of dev time and blizzard money. This might actually end my season early for the first time.

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Long-winded post about nothing. There is no actual challenge. The way to the top is very simple. You pull out your credit cards, and you buy as much black market junk as you can. Then you install whatever bot program the cheaters are using, and Viola. You’re now a master of D4. Nobody on that leaderboard earned their spot legit.

At this point the whole world stopped breathing.

The bitterness of people who are so afraid of not getting on the top 1000 list it drives them to conjure up all sorts of reasons why others might do better than them. Hitting, cheating, no life and so on. What happened to you all that this triggers you so much?


Another big Diablo 4 feature ended up being a shallow reskin of their dungeons. Shocker.

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Maybe the solution would be to show the top 10 000 instead of the top 1000 ? :thinking:

How about a list of top 10 endgame content activities?

Or is 10 too many? :hamster: :popcorn:

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Thats D3 participation trophies. They are leaderboards for a reason, they showcase the leaders at said tasks, not the 9,999 runner ups

Its the D3 effect, keep crying and whining and they will get what they want without the effort

It’s not participation trophies as it doesn’t affect the top 1000 on any point.
Diablo 3 has many things it does way better than Diablo 4 in my opinion.
I’m just trying to find a middle ground so everyone is happy.