Gauntlet sucks for most players

you can still play a lot and the games rng will keep you out of these so called endgame activities

as i said the game need both.

95% of the game is doable by casual yet very easily meh to more dedicated players that already farmed what they wanted.
5% is for more hardcore player (uber unique / Gauntlet and eventually Aoz if it returns)

and even casual can easily do Aoz : i was playing very casually and did Aoz quite well , not to high level but still rather well : even with 0 uber or even without using a OP build (i was playing bear druid which was FAARR behind wolf druid and even further behind HOTA and lightning orb)
and even casual can get uber unique from being simply lucky.
and even casual there too can enjoy gauntlet though they’ll simply not rank very high and that’s fine, they can still enjoy the content by improving themselves little by little without comparing themselves to the top spots like angry jealous people.

i’am not playing a lot and even i think it’s nice for the game to have things for the more hardcore.
A game need to have content for both type, not only content for hardcore yes but not only content for casual either.

i personally don’t feel bothered at all that i won’t be in the LB, i think it’s neat that it’s there though because it gives diversity to the game.

people shouldn’t feel entitled to get everything on a silver platter especially in a farming game / aarpg.
if everything was that easy, anyone wouldn’t play more than a few days of playtime.

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Exactly this.
I tried about 6-7 times and found out I pretty much hit the ceiling with my build. I considered changing my build but chose to play the game I like it. This new addition caters to meta builds and not build diversity.
Its a nice addition for some, but probably not for all. Cant see myself trying next week when I already know the outcome.


is simple blizzard just dont have the staff too make a true diablo game


I am not fully geared in uber uniques because I do not cheat and bot. Still waiting for my first uber from duriel. Getting like D3 with bots ruling the roost.

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I didn’t even crack 200k on my two attempts yesterday but it looks like I’ll get four caches at the end of the week. Is that the max amount? I guess taking 8 minutes a week to get four caches will be worth it (if they’re 925 gear).

If you don’t enjoy the gauntlet don’t play it.
I won’t be I ran it like 6-8 times and it doesn’t really get any more fun.

Leaderboards are meaningless, unless you want to be a pro Diablow4 player. :rofl:

Just ignore the whole deal like they didn’t really give you anything, because the truth is , they didn’t.

1 Like I dont know what to say about it! It is sadface!

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If they have better layouts in the future I will run it more often. The boss/pillar reset loop does not appeal to me. It’s my least favourite feature of certain dungeons, running in a circle killing all the things. The branches need to go deeper and intersect further in.

It also should not open with a boss fight and have a second, third, fourth and fifth boss fight 30 seconds from the first one.

The worst part of it all is that they had to delay releasing this shell of a game mode. All that wait and all that hype and this is what they delivered? Makes me a little worried for future seasons and expansions.

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Only the idiots are surprised. As OP demonstrates.

You purchased your right to play the game, not a right to be a good at the game and perform like the best players. :person_tipping_hand:


I’m not one to watch Raxx…but sadly what happened at the end of that video is exactly what happened here in my house. :rofl:

I just can’t believe it was delayed by a month and a half to almost 2 months. It worries me that itemization won’t make it by season 4. Sure you’ve got the ptr deal coming for it. Maybe itemization will be a season 5 thing. Feels like things are getting pushed back. Maybe the expansion won’t be a thing until 2025. It just feels like there’s alot of broken promises. Hopefully they won’t pull an overwatch 2 situation and just be like yeah we’re not doing the expansion now.

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Well, it’s a nice side mode that will only have long term value to the most dedicated players. Hopefully they’ll be putting more stuff in the game for everyone else next season.

My three member group was on the leader board for about 10 hours :slight_smile:

It was overhyped because people had nothing to do, and they jumped on everything that was new, and the delay and promises just hyped it more, when in reality its trash

D3 fans want Rifts so they keep adding it. No surprise D3 mechanics in D4 gets hate when they were already disliked in previous game.

Some also want D3 sets back too which is terrifying.


Thank you for your response. I completely agree. My point was to suggest that an endgame path for other than the top players would be desirable from my perspective.

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I feel like if they’re going to spend resources to put things in the game than it those things should be scalable for different play styles. Like with greater rifts and Diablo 3. Anybody to do them but not everybody could do a greater rift 150. Also, you got a lot of loot and XP at the end of the greater rift. You didn’t have to wait in the entire week to get a reward. Time gated stuff in arpg’s is like kryptonite imo.

If someone couldnt do 150 they were just bad at games in general. There was nothing challenging about D3.

Yes it was full of shinny participation throphies.

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