Gameplay sugesstions

  1. Let us use exit dungeon on cellars

  2. Evade needs rework - see my other post

  3. More waypoints. Walking around the map is brutally boring and there are huge gaps to cover.
    Strongholds should almost always have a WP. If I liberate a place, the least you could do is give me a way to get back to celebrate that victory.

  4. Better monster AI, if I can see the monster it should be trying to attack me. Also they need to react to wildlife, or just remove the wildlife.

  5. There needs to be a place to view the tips seen in the loading screens. I like that the loading times are low (great work) but I don’t have time to read them.
    Make a little videos that explain status and game mechanics, otherwise we are just throwing darts in the dark.

  6. There needs to be more lore. I like the notes you find in the dungeons that talk about the locations but there needs to be more about how the heck Inarius escaped from hell and came back to sanctuary.

  7. Necro needs a nerf. Compared to druid it feels like I PTW.

  8. Bring back the in game bug reports and feedback - I should have to write this here.

  9. Necro skeletons look like total trash. They should be the darkest character not the brightest.

  10. Skill trees are cool but (at least at level 25) feels very restricting. I am not expecting rain of arrows at level 2. What happened to the whole docketing gems into the skill trees from 2 years ago? That idea looked amazing.

  11. The side quests can all be the same for every character: here needs to be some randomized ones. Most should be in this category. I know I played 5 characters through only the very first chapter of the game but it felt worse than going through normal and NM in D2 without a rush lol

  12. I really hope there are oskills like D2. Skills that don’t come from the skill tree but on items or socketable gems. Even some that are unique lucky hit bonuses (CTC)

  13. This game needs runewords. White items dropping are complete pointless past level 8. Might as well roll that as a no drop and save the screen clutter. A cool idea would be having to merge essences and find rune molds to craft the runes and being able to put a runeword onto any white item of the correct type. Make it require 2 specific essences (controls the rarity) and one wild card one where the player has to solve a riddle to find out which ones work. Have three or four tiers of wild cards that grant differently ranged bonuses or slightly modify the provided affect from that rune’s contribution to the runeword.

I am not looking for comments just hope someone from blizzard read this and give it at least the slightest consideration.

Edit: Added 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Edit: added more to #3


i disagree, i like the map size that way, even if i would prefer it even bigger, that makes town too close from each other. Walking away is not boring. One waypoint per town is way enough and i don’t like to be able to tp everywhere, i prefer use my futur mount.

Then at least let us drop a banner, just one that we can teleport back to from anywhere within the same world space (anywhere in a dungeon from in the dungeon or anywhere outside from outside)

Would be a big help when exploring to leave marker back at intersections. And for when you discover the door in a dungeon but haven’t seen the keys yet

Mounts will help with movement.

They will but I hope you can only pick up your mount from the stable you dropped it off at. Not at every stable in every town.