Game lacks the dopamine hits of D3 and other ARPGs

We dont need another boring Diablo 3.

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An we would have another boring Diablo 3.

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I am running nightmare dungeons around 5 level over mine and finish them in around 5 minutes. Around 4 NMs give me a full bag, many of them legendaries. Now those 4 NMs also give me like 1.5-2 Paragon points.

Its a pretty good endgame cycle i am running.

Seasons, seasons, season. Will drive us to *Loot Hunt.

Devs are sneaky good at their jobs. GG!

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Enjoy your one legendary on a NM run rofl

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Yeah I think they were too focused on trying to mishmash an MMO in an ARPG and didn’t figure out what end game motivation should be in place. So they just defaulted to the legendary gem system of Diablo 3 where we just grind out our glyphs.

Definitely is going to need more than that. I really think it’s unavoidable to open up trade completely, have a toggle for smart loot, increase the unique pool 10-fold and make them actually really good and interesting, then adf a self-found mode for those who can’t stand trade.

If they don’t do this, I would put thousands of dollars betting the game will not survive and end up with the same population Diablo 3 did at the end of its life.

D3 was pretty rubbish when it launched. It had the worst loot system in the history of ever and a real money AH. It was dark days. But it got very good after Reaper of Souls and many patches. Gotta Give D4 some time and I think it will really shine after some patches.

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I literally only get on to do world boss lol so probably 1 hour a week play time on diablo ever since I hit 100 two weeks ago lol

sounds like an addiction problem, sorry.

maybe it’s good to have some moderation than loot pinata in a hell themed game to get your ‘dopamine hits’? lol there are substance that exists that will hi-jack your need for more dopamine…

i’ll give you the point of “somewhat”, since this is kind of how you define it.
in my opinion, primals are not rare at all. after a few days into the season, every dedicated player was stacked with primal best in slot-items. thats not somewhat rare in my opinion.

I think so too.

Twenty sacrifices

Reading that, my first thought was: what a load of BS.

So I thought I’d actually logon to my D3 account and check to see exactly how many primal weapons I owned between all my 11 characters (most of which I’ve played at least 2 seasons with) and my stash. All up, I’ve played over a dozen seasons, with over 100 hours in each, totalling 91,543 elite kills.

A total of 9 primal weapons (including a shield), with 3 of those being useful enough that one of my characters was wielding it, and 1 of those obtained during the still running loot pinyata season. That’s roughly 1 primal weapon per 10,000 elite kills (with some other primals thrown in).

But I suppose the caveat there is what you consider to be a “dedicated” player. Sure, the people at the top of the leader-boards will look like they’re swimming in primals. But they also have 2-3k (or more) paragons, are playing at much higher difficulties with much higher drop rates and doing everything in a fraction of the time when compared to an average player.

Even though I play games for over 30 hours a week, I consider myself an average player. But I’ve never hit 2k paragons in a season, or had more than a couple of primals (of any quality) drop in a season (except the current loot pinyata season). But then, I’m also not the fastest player, having >50yo reflexes. I can get a 2 minute rift down, but it’s not “easy”. I can even get into the top 1000 on the leader-boards, but I rarely stay there for very long.

Personally, I don’t think it’s excessive for a player like me to get something like a primal once every 50 hours or 5k elite kills or so. It might look excessive when you look at how many the top few percent of players get in the same time, but average players need something attainable to chase after. The top few percent of players are really chasing something else entirely.

The other thing is most primals are trash unless you luck out on one for your build. Most of the ones I’ve got ended up in my stash, unused. Or the rolls on the affixes disgusted me so much that I munged it right away. Even a perfect one isn’t as build defining as some of the uniques in D4 though.

For that reason, I don’t think the uber uniques in D4 should drop at anywhere near the rate of D3 primals. Something like Grandfather will make 10-20x the difference to a build compared to any individual primal you could think of from D3.

Legendaries did seem too common in D3, but 99% of them also filled the same niche as any rare gear that dropped. Effectively, they were just another trade-skill material to be used when trying to craft on other gear. 99% of legendaries and rares are also that in D4, and I’ve vendored 5x more uniques than I have in my stash.

IMO The only thing that was game breaking about the drop rate of primals in D3 is that most of them were just trash, leading to disappointment.

Feeling this atm as well. I started a druid after watching a video of a tempest roar build and was stoked to try it out. Level 85 now and have never seen it drop. RNG is RNG but I wish there was a way to target it so I didn’t feel like I was just dropping a penny in a random fountain and hoping for the best.

I don’t think so because of the amount of multiplicative dmg stats. Even minor upgrades (but with the right stats) can add huge amounts of power to a character. I think a lot of people are thinking their gear is good when it actually isn’t.

The thing about dopamine hits is after a while your brain will just down regulate anyways so whatever is a standard drop rate will eventually become boring no matter what. That’s just how the brain chemistry works.

The difference is that D3 felt like getting so much sugar that you were never really craving any more, you just kept consuming anyways.

D4 the loot drops that matter are so sparse that you’re a junkie in withdrawl.

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That is now so, after the season is running for several months. And they raised droprates for primals, because they became crafting material in the current season theme.
Days after the season started noone was “stacked” with primals. Especially not useable ones.

Biggest problem of D3 is too much great loot and that too fast. And they even raised that again in this season, actively worsen the game.
But hey, why should they actually improve the game if they can not make extra money with it? Could almost think that is intentional to drive people to D4…

D3? LMFAO. D3 didn’t provide jack sh** for dopamine. You where flooded with 1000s of legendaries and primals. What dopamine.

The only dopamine from the diablo franchise was from the D2 and D2R era.

D4 has area of potential dopamine. Could be improved on. D3 though? Just no.

Folks who’r talking about dopamine hits in D3 have really no shame

my apologies. you are right - i guess.
this was absolutely my mistake. mixing up ancient with primal. didn’t play D3 since season 7 or something, since for me PoE was just the way superior game.
no excuse - should have looked up the facts, before claiming bullsh*t.

Getting those blue goblins, an ancient puzz ring, bandit shrines, and packs of goblins in the wild were great.

None of that exists here.