Game isn't ready delay it

Of course it’s not ready, it’s a beta.

When you start your post off with "the feedback is in from streamers " thinking it somehow cements your point, as if any of those people have an opinion that is more valid or valuable than anyone else’s, it makes it immediately difficult to engage with your point.

You made a post complaining that the game isn’t ready to launch then proceeded to not mention a single one of those things in any substantive way.


Idk, these streamers and so-called “content creators” :face_vomiting: are the cancer of gaming. They whine 0-24. I’m not a Diablo fan, and I really couldn’t care less if they delay it, or not, because I won’t buy this. Maybe with a 50% price later. This 0-24 farming is not really my game. I played the beta, got myself to level 25, completed the story (Act 1), and have full legendary gear. Played mage, all of my spells and talents are perfectly working. Everything worked fine. I played on PC and my PS4 Pro. Had some lagging-teleporting problems, but I guess it’s just Blizzard’s terrible servers.

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Sorry for the double posting, but touching on a different topic.

Why. in. the. hell. is. anybody. watching. these. lazy. no-life. losers. called. streamers!?!
That’s like watching somebody do that other activity which you can do with you partner (or by yourself for that matter), and saying that it’s useful just watching it. These people create literal garbage, are of no use to anyone and are literal a****les most of the time. Why anybody would watch somebody play a game online, is beyond me. You youngsters are weird - go play the game and decide for yourself. Don’t listen to these strange-a** people. Their opinion doesn’t matter more than yours.


Game needs another year of development. It feels unfinished.

I don’t mean to argue, I really don’t. Just wanted to ask - why doesn’t it feel finished in your opinion?

It is part of their job to critique or hype up games for viewership. So when listening to these streamers, remember to cross examine them with other sources. This is why Asmon’s persona on his official content streaming site and personal one is very different.

Furbolg is correct.

I get the feeling your producers and execs want to ram a finished product down our throats in order to show some semblance of success in the fiscal quarter… that’s the truth of it.

If only your company would think of the long term and of success thru the lens of replayability of epic quality.

Stop making the same mistakes, Blizzard. Wake up and improve your product.

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I think it would have been a lot smarter for them to just have the necro and sorc playable with reduced talent trees with promises of “only available in release” and less than an act, rather than to give us a significant part of the enchilada, crushing our hopes and dreams for the entirety.

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Butlog you looked like you were streaming saw yer name all day. a company is not going to stop because you think so. I know there are some things I did not like, but dam it was not to clunky for me and my (pc is a POS) Just let it go it is not you’re choice. and I think there is an *** subject to change somewhere.

ok you were in first beta not me? so I do not get to try Sorc? because you think it was smart to do it for druid and necro? This was an open BETA.

Kripparian, Asmongold ?
you quote D3 player content creators (=trying to clown on the game to generate content, attention content biased, like the news), and even one of those is a WoW guy ??

asmon said he has never played D1, nor D2, so why do you think he has any idea what a diablo game is about?

asmon said, he is only trying to find flaws, and farm those for content; he is not a fair review source to quote, which says a lot about your expierence in the diablo franchise, you are not a veteran

The game needs about another year of polishing before it’s released. A holy based class would be great too since it’s missing in a Diablo game.

Asmon is a character

His out of character honest review he gave the first beta a 8.5/10.

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Don’t forget about UI – the most frustrating thing.

But it wasnt broken, the reason why the base game was bad in the first place was because of the RMT AH also there was not really an endgame system back then.

Unless I missed a post about it. We don’t even know if the beta is on the latest branch of the game or if they gave us an older game branch version to only test what they need us to test.

They are going to give you their best product so you make the pre-purchase.

I believe that the game is fine to lunch.
All the feedback is there and is feasible for the things that need to be addressed to be ready in two months.

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I hope devs don’t. Youtubers were overgeared and expected dungeons to be D3 200% speed crap into last boss. Their attention span is ZERO nowdays thanks to Twatter and Tik Tok.

“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” -Shigeru Miyamoto

it needs another 6 months minimum

you guys realize endgame is just currently same dungeons, it’s just harder. This is how it was in alpha test and I see nothing different that they are adding, they don’t have rifts or anything currently.

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