Game isn't ready delay it

The feedback is in from Kripparian, Rax, Asmongold, Esports gamers, and Diablo veterans like myself.

The game is not ready nor near ready at all. Delay it until the fall and do more testing and invite more people into the closed beta as well. This game might need to be delayed at least 6 months if not an entire year. We haven’t even seen how janky the end game is yet and I already don’t have a good feeling about it.

So much about the game just screams not ready for something in dev for years that releases in just 2 months. I mean come on this is absurd!

Not even sure what in the world was accomplished in the alphas and closed betas other than fan service. Time for the real feedback!


L take.

Game needs minor tweaks. Doesn’t need to be delayed. Gmab.


The only thing I think needs addressing; maybe with 2 extra months of dev time for, is additional skills from D2 and D3, additional passives on the tree for diversity of choice, and the unlocking of body types across all classes.


Delayed for what? None of these youtubers have even complained about anything other than ui. Also rax spends 8 hours a day playing d3. Pretty sure he’d play a game called “watching paint dry”. His opinion is worthless.


You’ve been watching the wrong youtubers then.


Game is fine to launch. No game will ever be perfect.

  • Diablo Veterans like myself.

First of all, we all know they are not going to delay the launch for this game.

Second, yes. The game is in an absolutely disastrous state and should be delayed by at least a year. There is no way they can fix the massive core issues this game has in 3 months. I don’t think they could fix it in 6 or 8 months.


I think the general community consensus is that minor changes need to happen to dungeon layouts and objectives, and the UI could use some changes.

Other than that its just feedback on the 1-25 experience and class balance, and that’s not the entire game.


I mean they could at least try though right? Could be less of a nightmare at launch at least, but as it stands now this is going to be a trainwreck in 2 months I can already see it.

I like the game though, but damn so much needs work it’s crazy.


I’m curious, what about the game is a trainwreck to you?


Watch him list a bunch of opinion based issues like “game has mob scaling”.


No I don’t really care at all about that it’s a non issue overall. It might need to be tweaked some if the scaling is dialed up too much as per ilevel, but that’s about it.

I have yet to see any criticisms of major issues that arent entirely just a disagreement with the direction the devs are taking the game. That doesnt mean the game is a train wreck.


Yes, because it doesn’t crash every time someone portals out… Oh wait. It does.


Game doesnt need a delay, it needs a rename.

This isnt diablo, this is an MMO disguised as diablo. Nothing about this game screams “diablo”.

Low mob density, loot shoved in your face, skills and paragons, extensive crafting. This is an MMO.


You’re right, THAT doesn’t. But the server issues are definitely the reason to delay this game. Either that or allow players to Private Game this, otherwise, we’re looking at another D3 Debacle.

They should do a beta test to identify those server issues before the game launches.


Ive played blizz games for decades so have enough experience to know server issues are non existent after the first week of any release.


You are right, do you all remember how long D3 took to be playable after release? And how many Seasons did we need to implement things that should have been in the game from the beginning.
D4 comes now 11+ years after D3. Expactations are high, you can read it in this forum, youtube videos etc.
And if the Endgame is not on point and I mean really good, you will have again Seasons that last a week, nice game design.


Extensive crafting? This game has more limited crafting then even Diablo 3.

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