Game isn't ready delay it

That’s not a jump, that’s an epic leap to make.
All I said was the servers weren’t perfect, but supposedly just saying that is unacceptable? Servers for any game are never perfect. There will always be issues, but that’s what tests like this are for: to minimize those issues as much as possible.

I have multi0le chars in full legendarily after two weekends of casual to heavy play. I really do hope it was cranked up for beta. Game will be done less than a month then it will be back to crappy season to provide at least SOMETHING to do.

I want there to be SOME type of trade and commerce which requires a bit of rarity.

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It’s force move and needs bound in settings but it’s there.

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I experienced the following issues:

  • Blank screen with no characters at the menu

  • Several crashes to desktop

  • The lobby server is not available error

  • Running into invisible walls where I could not proceed through the zone requiring me to teleport out

  • When joining a friend and them leaving I cannot progress in the game world via strongholds because I am still in their world and have to do it again. So basically have to exit to menu and reload the game world.

  • Stuttering issues in a party

  • Some events show an orange circle in the area but no event is available

  • When with friends NPCs will seem to follow them at random to progress the dungeon, so if afk this can be annoying

  • Inability to esc out of dialog options or cutscenes randomly at times for unknown reasons.

And there’s likely more I’m just not remembering atm.

Learn how to troubleshoot.

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Tone down the level of entitlement “diablo veterans”! I have an excellent solution for you that actually satisfies everyone. Ready for it?

Don’t play the game for 6 months to a year when it launches. Simple, then you will benefit from all the extra patches and improvements you want but you wont block people who think the experience was perfectly fine from enjoying the product in the mean time.

You’re welcome.


Funniest thing here is some people calling themselves as veterans just because they have played the games for a couple of years to appear as claimants to challange the judgment of game developers and content creators who have spent tens of years of their lifes only for this comprehensive work. You don’t become a game developer or lead designer only by playing games!

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big challenge when some of the players before are now IT/programmers. they can look at each . of the game

How many game development teams have they been a part of in the past? What are their exact cv for this?

I apologize sir I won’t do it again.

Btw Diablo 3 came out over 10 years ago :wink: Diablo 1/2 23 or so? But hey what do we know…

You need to refrain from commenting if you can’t see how gaming quality was increased between the 2nd and 3rd versions.

Yessir I will now stop typing on the forums please don’t hurt me.

I see zero meaningful feedback. “Jank” is subjective and means absolutely nothing. I felt the game was increasingly polished (servers might need some work) and the gameplay was in line with other diablo/ARPG games. The little “cellars” or mini dungeons are boring and need to be reevaluated, but other than this I felt the game was quite entertaining even if we only tasted the first act.


Couldn’t disagree more with OP. These forums really need a dislike button to go with the Heart button.


Sure why not? People will pay at least that for a version of that game that doesn’t include the game. I mean, there are people that even buy NFTs. Just look at the Trump trading cards. Never underestimate humans. They will always surprise you.

I had fun but I dont want Diablo 4 to be a 8.5 , it needs to be a 10. Right now it feels like its also 85% finished. There is too much annoying things that makes the game feel bad.

Maybe the beta build is older and behind the dev branch by a lot (I hope so) but If this is the game we are getting It will be the first Diablo game I do not buy on release day ever.

Beta was build v0.8.somethingorother, so yeah it’s an older build.

Sadly but i have the same feeling. Just as in D3, too much talking and then 0 execution. But hey we get again some awesome excuses why the promised futures are not in the game (like crafting and runes as for now, lets see how many things are getting “delayed” to release and then forgotten)

And you think they’ve been working on this game the whole 11+ years? Or why do you think saying “expectations are high” right after that information is any relevant? It’s just another game created by a different team within the last few years, very likely rushed after the lashback after Diablo Immortal announcement. It will have all the similar problems most major games today have. And Blizzard is still Blizzard, even if they chose different PR strategy this time.

Soon as you mentioned streamers…L take this is a useless post. Moving on.