Game isn't ready delay it

If you use a staff as your legendary you only get 1 weapon slot on druids, necros and sorcs

oh, interesting. i guess i never really tried using a 2h on the necro lol. im not a sorc player and i didnt try druid either. i spent 90% of my time on rogue and like 5% between barb and necro.

i can see your point, also the game is FAR from polished and optimized it runs like a truck, and got all sort of issues with the minimum and recommended they said it is to be, two out of the three classes are totally not fun to level with (barb and OFC druid)
zoning into town is crazy lag / drop FPS / freez
teaming with necro’s making the game unplayable
and not going into the issues with the servers.

Barb has never been a fun class to level, it’s based entirely off weapon damage so it doesn’t get good til you get good weapons

And druid is missing it’s special class thing in beta

what server issues? you mean during the stress test? that was the only time there was any issues. i had a whole 1 disconnect after friday. no q time. no lag. nothin. it all seemed pretty stable after the first day. Same as the first week. I played from about 3pm to 1 am on saturday, 8 am to about 2 am on sunday. then again from 8 to noon today.

Game needs polish, but at a lot of areas. Time probably won’t be enough, so in my opinion too it should be delayed by 6 months. For example the UI is quite janky - the inventory and skill tree especially looks pretty bad/basic.

However, things like only having 6 skill slots will be something that would take much longer than that and I don’t believe they will review this anyway.

Concerning also is the end game which would take more time than that. Of course with the caveat that we have played just the beginning of the game. But from what we know so far:
-there are only 3 world bosses, which I don’t see myself playing more than once;
-dungeons will get boring pretty quickly;
-the other 2 - Helltide and Whispers sound interesting actually, but we cannot test them.
Hopefully they will share more concrete things about those in the upcoming dev update.

i dunno about you, but i do have TONS of issues as well as ALOT of people in eu too with dc from the game

Earlier in the thread someone mentioned loot drops were inflated for the Beta test. My word I hope that’s not true. Seems like they could up it 10%+ or so. After all its a loot based ARPG. :grimacing:

For past Diablo 3 ptr tests drop rates were buffed by 2,000% and it was confirmed they were buffed, but not sure if it’s the same as this amount.

However, if all legendaries have aspect powers you can get from around the world it’ll be very likely to make op builds early on to zoom through the content with as you level.

The games fine whine more.

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There were definitely issues with servers, but really that was what the whole point of this beta really was.

Yes, that is correct. I just didnt run into any after the fridays (on both weeks). I was honestly asking the question, “What issues”? because i didnt really have any. I wasnt trying to be a dick about it.

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There was rubber banding and lag at times, and some invisible walls. I didn’t experience anything too bad, but it did need a stress test for sure.

This! My one issue with your comment is that I AM concerned that the things they should have learned from D3 don’t appear to have been applied to D4. I made a post about it but, most of the issues I saw were QoL stuff. I DO think that the game will get better with updates and seasonal (or whatever they decide to call periodic releases) additions.

Ah yes, the normal lukewarm take of ‘I (and every streamer I can find that shares my opinion) don’t like this; Delay it for the millions of others who are perfectly happy, just to make ME happy!’

I ran into lag only during the stress test where Blizzard said there would be lag. And I was in the preorder beta last week, which was fine.

Game is fine. I trust my opinion more than anyone else’s.

Not sure what you’re talking about. I didn’t run into any game breaking bugs in all of act 1.

The servers were fully operational it was a user issue.

Full time Youtubers and Streamers. They want clicks not D4.

You do realize they will make profit if Diablo fails more than if it succeeds with the exception of and guys like BS.

The game is ready.

The biggest thing it needs is a necro pet redesign and community chat rooms like D3.

Some performance fixes

Some other small QoL items like a group finder that isnt fully auto but helpful and works with your full account not current character.

All the normal stuff that can be modified post launch if need be.

One youtube says THIS CLASS IS WEAK!! another says the same class has the MOST OP BUILD! Click…baited.

I even said it wasn’t anything too bad, but there were hiccups every once in a while. I’m not the only one who experienced it either. You’re jumping to conclusions.

Don’t care what streamers say, they just ruin games they play anyways. Game is fine.