Game isn't ready delay it

The Game is FINNEEEE.

All they need to do before release is

  • Rebalance the barb
  • Rebalance the druid
  • Rebalance the unused skill tree paths during the beta (most classes have 1 viable path)
  • Have the druid fast until release
  • Make necro fun
  • Give the necro some of the druids now unused food
  • Add an endgame
  • Make dungeons entertaining
  • Solve the performance issues, and/or add an offline mode
  • Add WASD controls

And they still have 2 months! They could just throw more developers at it!


It needs more work but we know that ainā€™t happening. There is no way the launch will be anywhere close to smooth. Then we have the actual game itself, classes, abilities etc. There is such a big gap between the power level of the classes, with or without legendaries. Many things have been pointed out by the community.

I get it when it comes to balance itā€™s not an easy fix but theyā€™ll make it easy, believe me. Blizzard works in a very predictable way. Theyā€™ll just nerf the top to be as bad as the bottom and call it a day.


Chicken Little called, they want their sky back.


I mean I ate chicken little to get into the early access so that isnā€™t happening.


The folk you mentioned have valuable suggestions and feedback. But for the rest of us who donā€™t play this, or any game, as a full time job, have very different feedback. These guys are just enthusiastic forum posters that manged to monetize their forum posts via ad revenue. Valuable feedback but not the entire picture.

The game is ready even if folks have concerns. Itā€™s going to be a live service game that updates and changes overtime. I donā€™t think you realize how unrealistic an extra 6 months would be. The game is done. Undoing the work thatā€™s already put and and remaking it will take much longer than 6 months.

The game is fine. They only way to really know anything about end game is to play it.


Iā€™m not a fan of professional gamer streamers, thatā€™s not even a real job by the way, mainly because Iā€™ve seen them saying things for the sake of generating attention rather than honesty. Especially that dead eyed ginger guy. I played the game, it entertains me so far. I donā€™t need a guy who claims heā€™s a professional to tell me if Iā€™m having fun or not.


Being an entertainer is a real job, but thatā€™s despite the point here. And despite me feeling weird about it, Esports are athletes in the sense they are professional and train to play games to their best while getting paid to do it which is another fringe job.

I donā€™t think delaying will do anything. The game feels much like D3 except new dodge mechanic, and slower combatā€¦I guess. Even if they delay it for year idk if they can change the core, or some meaningful part of the game.

Then we have scalingā€¦ as itā€™s good for some thingsā€¦it destroys others.
Iā€™m not buying it until much later.

I wanna say good job to the artists, modeling team. The game, weapons, world, cinematicsā€¦ they all look great and itā€™s a shame to waste them on a game thatā€™s like 80% Diablo 3.


I keep hearing this, but I donā€™t understand what you would like it changed to. I mean it is a Diablo game so itā€™s gonna resemble the previous game, right? What would you do with it?

Most of the whiners seem to be players who want Another boring D2 remake.


The reality is none of those streamers really matter in the long run as those are not the people Blizzard is trying to grab. No matter how you feel about the game or I; Bottom line is Blizzard does one thing, and one thing really well. They Cater to the largest audience. Which isnā€™t you, or them. This is not to say there is not flaws, obviously but, Forums make about 1% of the majority of players, and personally I believe the majority will enjoy their time in Diablo IV.


imagine shaping your worldview after twitch streamers


So what if itā€™s not up to streamers standards? Iā€™ll enjoy playing it while they tweak it, if you donā€™t like it wait until it meets your standards.


Let me take you back to 2012 when a little alpha game made by an indy dev was launched called Diablo 3. This indy dev released a vanilla version of the game with a paid auction house in which all loot drops were balanced around it and all in the guise of ā€˜weā€™re combating third party sites.ā€™

This isnā€™t to mention how barren the base vanilla version of D3 felt, how terrible the itemization, nor how ridiculously hard the act II torment wall was as well. The base version of the game felt awful and it took them years to fix it and TONS of changes to get to where we are today.

Now I am not saying D4 is ā€˜thatā€™ bad, but alas the sad thing is with Blizzard oftentimes we have to wait for the product to launch and it to be out for months before Blizzard says oh yeah youā€™re right this isnā€™t good. It was annoying as heck in WoW: Battle For Azeroth when they did this and took them awhile to course correct. So alas here we are with another product being launched with god awful servers atm, loads of bugs, and tons of balance and design related issues just for the first 25 levels. This doesnā€™t include the other 80% of the game nor even touch on how the end game feels.

Now I will admit I could be wrong and the end game will be decent if not downright incredible. But as it stands right now it is simply grind out loot, get to world tier, beat world tier, then what?


So what exactly is there to do in Diablo games in general after beating the game? Iā€™m just curious because I have both D2 and D3 and Iā€™m just doing what you said, playing to get more stuff. So Iā€™m not sure what people expect from D4.


And that sir/maā€™am is what weā€™re going to find out.

Yes we will delay just because you say so :smiley:


I agree. we are about to get diablo 3 release againā€¦Ill be waiting till the game goes on sale months later, and they actually release some of the content that should be out on launch, runes etc.


Find out what? Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s happening here but I donā€™t have any illusions about it. Just like in the other two Diablo games we are probably gonna end up grinding gear to beat world tiers and rinse and repeat on the start of a new season. I donā€™t get what you people expect to happen with this game.


Depending on launch the game could end up being vastly reworked/redesigned over the next two years. Basically being a completely different version of the same game.