I argue its is fun. You constantly get upgrades, You can go to helltides from level 1, non stop action, the aspects You get are viable from level 1. You constantly progress Your character. And its not a widespread “problem” its what made Hack&Slash since over 2 decades and why people play them. Diablo will not revolutionize the market, ever again.
Great post.
Very insightful
I’m glad leveling is easier then it was before. I like to try out different classes in end game to see how well each one fairs out. Also like doing funky builds sometimes.
I remember back in the beta on my Druid doing 6 basic attacks to kill a basic wolf to get enough resources to cast a single core skill.
That was not fun.
I don’t know if i understand you correctly but it seems like you are saying that “ARPG” have no appeal to casuals usualy.
Which is absolutly not what i wanted to say.
My Wife likes playing ARPGs and has succesfully played throug many of em. She is just not “Thinking” like an ARPGler.
I wanted to point out that D4 is even to easy and boring for Casuals.
As many Argue D4 is as easy as it is in favor of the casuals.
Also the “soulslike” gnere was born cause “casuals” started to like it.
The idea that casuals want easy games is not holding up i think.
WTF Diablo 2 early game is worlds different compared to Diablo 4. Diablo 2 feels 300x more difficult at the beginning than Diablo 4 ever was. All of these games have a more difficult and therefore better early gam
I also played the beta with druid and that was by far my most fun time in diablo 4. By the way, you could kill enemies very quickly with the druid. The beta was already too easy.
No, it’s not fun because you don’t need the upgrades you’re describing. The game is far too easy. Progression is important in a game, but in Diablo 4 you don’t need progression because you’re already killing everything from lvl 1. It’s a piece of cake. A kindergarten. Game is boring easy
It’s not only difficulty.
Yes D2 and the rest of those games are a lot harder in the first playthrough.
The other big difference is that those games have the player put thought in it’s equipment.
I am a Barb player allways. So how do i play through the campaign in d2 with my Barb.
- I make sure to have “Immun to Freeze” on an item, ususaly a belt.
- I make sure to have a weapon with good Elemental dmg, or else the barb has a hard time against ghosts.
- I make sure to have Mana on kill or mana Leech Asap on an item.
In Act 1 i stack poisen resistence.
In Act 2 i always stack Lightning resistence.
In Act 3 i stack fire resistence.
In Act 4 i make sure to have maxed Fire and lightning resistence.
I also make sure to have
High Attack rating,
High Attack speed,
In D4 i do this
Exactly, nothing. There is absolute Zero Concern about Items In D4. A Looter without the need to waste 1 thought on Loot. What a noble concept.
When you bring up the stupid aspects of a game like this a common retort is to bring up the genre. I agree with you. There is only a subset of creatures who aren’t bothered by how easy and boring this game is, and they invoke the genre as a defense. Well, this is why the genre as a whole is niche. It’s built on a stupid premise not enough people question, but many avoid. Difficulty is certainly one of the fundamental issues, but I think the problem goes deeper. The combat, while it can be satisfying, is too simple. It’s literally not much removed from the earliest rudiments of gaming. If you’re a reader give this a look. I’m in the mood for wasting time on something more fun.
this is all on the babyragers that populate this forum with f5 brains.
yall wanted ur “pOwER fAnTasy”, now live with it
ARPG =/= braindead game destroyed by babyrageism
Fair enough, make it a power fantasy. But it should be a power fantasy for the monsters, not the players.
“Lord of Terror” sure sounds like a bigger power fantasy than “Past his prime Barbarian Uncle”.
They aren’t?
Yeah, early game is too easy. I’m not against quick leveling, but monsters possess 0 threat before 80 level at least. It is ok to level fast, it is not ok to beat 70 capstone at 50 lvl in 5 minutes without sacred gear and without dying even once. Ah, have I mentioned ? As a worst class, the druid.
This is a pretty common response but it’s flawed.
One, people like the game world Blizz created here for D4, the overworld.
Two, casual doesn’t mean they need remedial level game expedience. Devs said they they buffed xp because they wanted to hurry you up into the pit. What you do by doing that is the content that should be pretty decent for casuals is over and done with too fast. And now you have casual banging their head against the wall for the rest of the season.
Theres not a good feeling of progression. It’s easy-easy-easy-easy-small bit of progression-wall for 2 more months.
You think you’re helping casuals making the game super easy and fast but you’re really just appeasing blasters.
That’s basically the remaining audience.
10000% agree games too easy, may as well let us download paeagron boards, every1 copys them anyways
I miss campaign difficult, i remember i died a lot on tyrant barbarian boss.
The feedback is not about that.
The feedback is about early game. Not late game.
They can’t. They already sold their souls to the idea that seasons are the way to go. How can you have anything that hard in a 4 month season? Can’t even make ubers as rare as they should be because no one would get them before the season is over. Oh, well, they get to sell more battlepasses that way!