Game is dead already, Kyovoshad is a ghost town

Anyone who knows what they are doing learned their class the items aspects paragon table glyphs and experimented a bit with all of that. Maybe even made multiple characters and did the same. Now we are waiting for season one. Not much point grinding in non season.

To be honest you should be going to the tree of wispers between nm dungeons anyway vendor blacksmith and box all on the same screen as your portal.

Leader board’s. They need to add something like that competition to make seasons interesting imo

Lol… sure, there are that many builds… but let’s not skew that with reality. There is possibly 2 to 3 builds per class that a actually viable for pushing. Can you make just about any build? Yes… but 95% won’t get passed T25, if even that far.

like i told at the decition after the patch “mistake” … the game will be dead.
In our German Discord are about 50% people active like before right now.

This is like a textbook definition of rose tinted glasses.

Every company exists to make a profit first. Often, making a game fun is the best way to make profits, because if people love your game then they’ll buy it and tell their friends.

This kind of absurd revisionism of the (for profit) games industry is hilarious.

(Source: I worked in games industry from ~2000 - 2006. Profit - selling lots of games - was always a motive. Maybe some indie devs “just wanna make a fun game”.)

Just leaves more loot for me.

Some builds aren’t even worth mentioning, and people will just tell you to change to a different one, which is the same as being forced, I’m sorry I meant shoehorned.

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I for one am still having fun. I know in Diablo 3 the game died at the end of each season. It was a normal thing. From talking with different people, I found that they would have different goals for each season. Like some people would have a certain Paragon level they wanted to get to or they wanted to do the achievements or things like that. Then they would stop playing until the next season.

What? That’s doesn’t even make sense.

Everyone loves getting rares out of World Boss and Helltides!

Then I want a complete offline mode

I didn’t say profit wasn’t the number one motive. I said the way you got there was solely making a great game that was fun.

There aren’t 30+ builds for each class. Are you even playing the same game?

Season one looks like dogsh|t.

Season one breakdown: find elite mob with a stanky aura. Kill elite with stanky aura. Loot corpse. The end.

Really sad how Season One has so little content. There is zero incentive to play it. No one wants to re-level a character to 50 and stop playing because there is no end game.

Then I guess I’m playing Diablo wrong.
I’ve always done it like this every season I’ve played in D3. 1-2 weeks finished the season journey until about Paragon 1000-1500 and then did something else again.

In Diablo 4 I will do it exactly as the devs suggested.

I don’t worry about Endgame as long as I enjoy the game itself.

If this would be true that not a lot of people are playing, the #1 explanation would be this dumb “Seasons” system. Because tell me, why would you play in this Eternal Realm (the Realm where old folks die) if there’s a Season around the corner forcing you to start a new character and completely excluding existing characters from the new and cool content?

I’ve been struggling with this myself. I stopped playing not because I wanted to, but because I see no reason to start a new character before the season start and also because I feel like grinding with my main is useless because apparantly all the cool new stuff he’ll miss out on anyway – until an expansion comes out.

The Seasons system is incredibly dumb. “It’s great to bring old players back in and bring new players in”, sure… and it’s great to have current players simply stop playing.

Everytime i login Kyovashad is full of players. Helltides are well visited too and so are legion events and worldbosses.

Maybe its just my celestial presence that makes players prefering the server i play on like moths seeking the light.

Helltides are empty. They were only populated when the incompetent dev team broke the drop rate and everyone was desperate for Shako’s. Once again, another pointless endgame activity.

When I find myself the sole person in town, it usually means a patch is waiting to download. :wink:

Game has zero end game re-specin skills cost a boat load of gold builds are locked behind uber rares.

You end up playing the same build forever and getting the same items forever. Open world difficulty ends at level 95 and all we are left with is NM dungeons and they are bad.