Game is crashing my PC since the 5/16 update

Same here, once you are in Character Selection, you click Start Game, and it just starts pending, rolling and rolling and rolling…

I guess my time to play went down the drain today.

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Yup, same here. Its completely unplayable now. Have crashed 6 times since the patch. Was absolutely fine until the so called “stability patch”.

14900KF, 64GB DDR5 RAM, 4080 Super, 4 TB Samsung NVME

Windows 11
Latest Nvidia Drivers
Turned Off Ray Tracing
Turned Off DLSS
Temps are more then fine (even ran additional stress tests again to be sure)

It immediately crashes to desktop, no error message. I’m done until this gets fixed.


used to crash after 15-20min on previous patch level, latest patch is now a lot more frequent. just navigating through the menu it will crash back to desktop.

Just re-installed the game fresh incase, no change (maybe worse)

14900K, 192GB DDR5 RAM, 3080 Ti, 2 TB Samsung Pro NVME

Windows 11 - recently re-installed.
Latest windows and Nvidia drivers
Turned off all the usual suspects
Running Intel stock bios settings (Asus bios)
Also reduced the multiplier on the 2 Active CPU cores to 57x ratio


I just crashed a well. NVIDA 3070


Weirdly, i can’t even reach the character screen now, it crashes before during loading screen (or i see a glimpse of my char).

Before this patch, i had fenris-crashes every 5-10 minutes, even with dlss and rt turned off.

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So I was able to play tonight for a couple hours without an issue.
Here’s what I did after I made the original post.
I booted up Hades 2 just to play something else and wouldn’t you know it that game crashed as well after about 10 minutes. So what I thought was strictly a D4 problem wasn’t anymore, even though it looks like a lot of people are having an issue.

I was way behind on my BIOS updates so that was the first thing I did.
Second and what I think might’ve been the issue oddly enough was I checked Windows Update. I saw that it was downloading and trying to install Logitech USB drivers. I have a few mice and the powerplay charging mouse pad, so that makes sense. But my PC froze pretty much as soon as that started to try and install.

After the crash I went back into Windows Update and that update was still there, crashed again pretty much as soon as I saw it trying to install.
So I unplugged all my Logitech devices and didn’t click on the update again and went straight to the Logitech website and downloaded GHub directly from them. It installed fine and afterwards the Logitech update was gone from Windows Update.

Then I booted up D4 to try again and like I said played for a couple hours with no crashes. Also did a round of Hades 2 with no crash.

So was that the culprit? Not sure, seems very weird to have an update crash your PC but I suppose anything can happen. If any of you people are rocking Logitech devices check your Windows Update. Maybe it’ll help you out! Sorry for the long winded post!

See you in Hell!

Thank you for the suggestion, this appears to be the answer!

Still some janky lag at the character, shop and options menus, but turning off cross function play seems to have prevented frequent crashing at the very least.

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Same problem. Can probably play 2-3 minutes then game crash. No problems yesterday:
Running on 13900KS/4090

I’m having way more issues since the last patch as well, prior to the patch the games performance was actually a lot better than I remember it being, sure some hiccups here and there but it was overall working smoother than I remember.

I use to have an issue where almost any time I interacted with a menu being my inventory or whatever (even the mini map) I would straight up get microstutters or even long freezes. That issue was mostly gone when the season started I hardly noticed it. Since the patch though its back with a vengeance and also I have been getting crashes periodically and game just freezing mid combat. It’s quite frustrating since just the day before yesterday I was talking with friends about how good the game felt when I wasn’t having these issues like I had in previous seasons. Well guess that experience was short lived.


/2 May have a solution here, not sure if it’ll work for you or not.

However, my friend was having the same issue as stated and I was not having any issues. The only real difference in our setup, is that I only have one drive in my pc where windows and my games are on, and he had his game stored on a separate drive from his main drive.

My suggestion, would be to make sure and Diablo 4 are on the same drive as your windows/ main drive.

Again, unsure if this is an actual fix, and he has other games on separate drives that runs great. But this could be a possible fix in the mean time.

I have and Diablo 4 on same ssd and i cannot play the game anymore since last night patch.


I reformatted the pc and will update you soon if that solves the issue.
My PC Specs are the following:

AMD 7900XTX NITRO+ Edition

BSOD issues only when playing D4 after yesterday’s patch.
Can play WH3, HS, WOW etc without any issue.

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Since the patch, I’ve also been having massive problems. I have now managed to get into the menu and disabled DLSS. D4 still crashes. Everything was working fine yesterday.
I play with the following settings:

VSync off
DLSS off
Resolution 4k
All settings on ultra

My graphics card is a 3090, CPU is an AMD 5950X, and I have 32 GB of RAM. All other games and applications run without any problems. All drivers are up to date.
I have already uninstalled D4, cleaned the registry, uninstalled, and reinstalled everything. The only things left to do are a Windows reinstallation and a BIOS update. I don’t plan to do either since everything else works without any problems.

same problem. tested it with either dlsss off and also on. The game would load my character to the town perfectly fine but as soon as I used teleport or open the pit and attempt zones changing, it’d get stuck forever at the loading screen. This first happened after yesterday’s patch.

ive had that off since the games been out, im still crashing

To add an update to my previous post. After reformatting windows, seems my crashing issue has been resolved. I did approximately 2 hours of troubleshooting using debugger, re-memory learning from bios, ddu of Graphics driver but was all in vain.

Seems a windows update or some application conflict caused this abnormal issue for me.

Hope this information helps others.

If those of you having issues haven’t checked yet, you may want to examine your Logitech hardware if you have any and manually download an updated driver for your hardware from Logitech.

You can also try uninstalling any Logitech add-on software as a test. Most keyboards/mice don’t need their special software of G-Hub to work That just provides additional features/eye candy/light control.

They did have an update to G-hub available and some others have seen a Logitech update from Windows update (my laptop had one even).

don’t use any and have this issue with the game (can’t enter) since patch is out. also at a point it shows it disconnects me from d4. so the problem is on blizz side with the patch


Tried that too, among several, several, several, several other things. Still crashing.

The most consistent problem has been the latest hotfix. Before hotfix, everything was fine. Post hotfix, crashes happen extremely frequently now.


I was experiencing the same problems. I use a 3060. What worked for me was to uninstall the GeForce Experience application. No more issues. Hope this helps someone.