Dstorage.dll をRemoveまたはRenameすると言うヒントから、GURU3DでD4のDstorage.dllに問題があるというTopicを見つけました。
つまりD4のDstorage.dll のバージョンが古いせいでバグってるせいみたいです。
D4のフォルダに入っている Dstorage.dll のバージョンは v1.0.2 ですが、
最新版は v1.2.2 なので、わたしはMicrosoftの公式の DirectStorage API Downloads サイトからそれをダウンロードして
dstorage.dll (v1.2.2)
dstoragecore.dll (v1.2.2)
Based on the hint to remove or rename Dstorage.dll, I found a topic that says there is a problem with D4’s Dstorage.dll in GURU3D.
(I’m sorry if this forum doesn’t allow you to post URLs directly, so the explanations are only in words, so I’m sorry if it’s hard to understand.)
In other words, it seems that the bug is caused by the old version of Dstorage.dll in D4.
The version of Dstorage.dll in the D4 folder is v1.0.2, but
The latest version is v1.2.2, so I downloaded it from Microsoft’s official DirectStorage API Downloads site.
dstorage.dll (v1.2.2)
dstoragecore.dll (v1.2.2)
After replacing the two above, I was able to play the game without any problems.
However, this method is not official, so try it at your own risk.