Game Freezes/Crashes GPU fans screaming when opening specific UI Elements - June 2023

If people are going to complain about it making their fans ramp up some, yes, I’d cap for now while the devs make adjustments. But I’m also showing and explaining that the devs should probably put a regulator on how often the 3D elements are updated, which I’ve stated quite a few times now, but you seem to have some difficulties comprehending that there are two elements to what I’m talking about.

In the updated example I made, I show the wattage differences between no menu, 15fps updates and unlimited updates. The non-menu portion of the game, as in the character and the rest of the scene, is still running at high frame rates, even if the portrait is only updating at a fraction of the frame rate.

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For now meaning it is a bandaid to a larger issue. You are literally unwilling to accept that this could very well be an overlooked issue.

An issue that Blizzard has done and corrected before. You act like this is a novel issue when it isn’t. They literally had this problem with SC2 and other titles.

You are showing everyone how it is a backend developer issue while telling forum goers that everything is as intended.

If the game was intended to be played at 60 FPS it would have come pre-capped or FPS locked. If it was intended they would have told us already. If it was intended they wouldn’t be gathering data.

You even tried to make up stats about how the “majority of people play with VSync and capped 60FPS”. Which is so utterly not true by the way.

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Because it is working as intended, you just don’t like the fact that it costs as much power as it does. You want your game to run at 240fps, then the high load 3D elements are going to try to run at that same speed. You can’t have your cake and eat it. So either they’d need to dumb down the visual quality of those elements or they can cap how often they are updated. Obviously, the latter is the better of the two options.

It took Blizzard like 15 years to finally put a 60fps cap on the login/character select menu of WoW, so that it didn’t sit there roasting GPUs… I want to say it was when Shadowlands came out. They knew it was a thing, they knew lots of people would just leave the client up all day at the screen, and they probably knew it wasn’t some complicated thing to correct, they just didn’t bother.

If the game was intended to be played at 60 FPS it would have come pre-capped or FPS locked. If it was intended they would have told us already. If it was intended they wouldn’t be gathering data.

You mean the fact that the inventory window is utilizing as much resources as the game itself? You mean the inventory window pushing GPUs to their thermal limit sustained?

The fact that you think this was intended when not one other part of the game even comes remotely close to being this GPU intensive just means you are a white knighter.

Now you are just plain making up things. Quote me saying I want 240 fps.

Quote me. You can’t can you because you are a habitual liar who just makes things up.

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This appears to be tied to the Nvidia Reflex. Try turning off the “NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency” if you have it enabled. It’s in the graphics settings, turning it off fixed my issue. Credit to a guildie for suggesting it.

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That’s not it and is happening to AMD GPUs as well. Glad it worked for you though.

My specs and game settings are here if you care to look.

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Wooden, I know you have been posting on this vein for awhile, but some of what Dauntless is saying isn’t wrong.

The part about having elements that are being rendered in the game space individually of the scene as a whole.

This is entirely plausible. This also goes along with a similar point made by TheTias in a similar thread on nearly the same subject.

While the scene may be locked to say 60FPS, elements being rendered for the scene might not be.

I’m no game coder, and I could be wrong here, but this sounds like a plausible cause. Now, why this was permitted to happen, that I don’t know, but what Tias was hinting at, was items behind say the shop UI or your inventory are the items being rendered at whatever frame rate the GPU can do.

They shouldn’t be. And again, this is assuming that both Dauntless and TheTias were on to something with their explanations.

So don’t dismiss it out of hand. It does make sense, or it does to me.

Game on.

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Yes, and I never said this couldn’t be what is happening. The disagreement is whether or not that is by design or overlooked, which has happened in other Blizzard titles and later corrected.

I have stated long before he entered the conversation that I believe it is the Character Model rendering.

The disagreement is him thinking this is a user issue and that we should be happy with capping the game at 60fps regardless of resolution or graphics settings.

The disagreement is him not admitting that this could be a back end developer issue.

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If it was, it will be corrected eventually.

Well, I will say that at least for now, as a work around, we need to attempt to do what we need to do to protect our system(s) from potential performance limitations, such as throttling or heat generation. Be that being forcing our hardware to run at a lower FPS, or adjusting fan curves, undervolting the GPU (only if you know what you are doing), lowering quality settings, or resetting to defaults, etc., things we have some control over till the game gets optimized better.

But arguing about who is right rather than come together and determine a cause is not helping the forum or the problem.

I know many of you are frustrated, some are angry, but please stop taking it out on each other?

Game on.

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There needs to be a lot of noise for it the stand out enough for Blizzard to notice it and people like him who tell people it’s by “intended design” and to cap fps to 60 as a bandaid that prevents that.

Yes, I agree and I have even capped my FPS for the time being. I have told other people to cap it as well, as a bandaid until they fix the underlying issue.

It’s people like him who prevent progress and will fight to maintain status quo.

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Well, relax anyway. They aren’t going to impeded anything. And a month from now, very few people are going to care about all this after its addressed. (if its addressed that quickly)

Game on.


What a freaking gaslight

The irony is astounding.

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Wow, at last this is pinned!

+1 here, I have the same issue and after reading it all makes sense. Was wondering why my system (correctly) throws me out while in town, as I use my inventory tab the most then. Before this I also noticed that if I am not charging (laptop) and therefore have limited voltage access, this happens far less. Basically, the GPU aint got the power it wants to use otherwise to render the bad inventory textures.

Hope they fix soon. <3 Game is amazing otherwise. (when it doesnt burn your GPU)


I got the jet engine with my 3800 the first time I ran the game and entered character creation, so people who blame character rendering may be onto something. Notably, I already had a 60 fps cap in Nvidia control panel because I think 60 is enough and would prefer to use my resources other ways.

After that, I tweaked graphics settings to get my fans mostly silent and returned to character creation, which was then fine. I turned on DLSS (set to balanced), kept 4k res, and changed the preset from ultra (which is usually overkill) to high. Later, I shaved a few hundred more RPMs off my fans by switching DLSS to performance and turning off Nvidia Reflex. Now my PC is almost as quiet as my Xbox SX.

Capping fps in game in addition to control panel didn’t seem to matter.

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it’s nothing to do with our systems. It’s your coding when my power usage on the card goes from around 120 watts to max wattage of 240+ and 100% GPU usage on my 1080ti. Either it’s Blizzard or Nvidia drivers but stop acting like it’s our PCs because it’s not.

Something in your game is causing our video cards to use maximum power wattage from just opening a freaking inventory screen. Same thing happens if you turn on Nvidia reflex in game as well. Yall need to get with Nvidia and fix your game before people start bricking GPUs.

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When I cap FPS at 60 instead of 100 it’s not as bad but still does something. It doesn’t gain much more wattage but the GPU usage still raises from 50% to 70-80% while the power goes from 85-90 watts to 99watts.

i have a 3080ti and my wattage goes even to 350+ so yeah. rest of the game on ultra settings with 4k res around 180…

Same for me. I have a 7900xt. Normal gameplay the card uses about 150W and sits between 60 and 65C. When i open the Inventory/Vendor/etc. it shoots up to 90C and 290W. When i cap the framerate to 120fps it is better.
Running Fedora38 and Diablo through Lutris.

I fixed this issue! But in weird way.

I have 1080ti and it started when I opened inventory and been while there, or more less it can happen on any UI element interaction.

I played on 2K high/medium settings nothing crazy. Recently it started crashing all time when I went to inventory, checking my GPU it went from 50% to 100%. Actually lowered details didn’t help. So I went different way. I put game to my 4K monitor, set everything highest possible. Now my GPU sits on 100% all time not just menu. So far no crashes (like 8 hours session yesterday). Today I tried to lower it a bit since some places I got lags… it crashed immediately in inventory again.