Game Freezes/Crashes GPU fans screaming when opening specific UI Elements - June 2023

Not sure if your problem is related, but the Main Menu also causes the GPU usage and temps to skyrocket because of, what I think, is the character rendering. Which is also present in the Inventory window.

Are you able to FPS cap the game through AMD directly so you can get in long enough to lower some other settings?

There seems to be a specific issue with the Main Menu and Inventory heating up GPU memory chips.

I would like to remind everyone to maintain civility. No personal attacks. If you disagree on something that is fine but try not to derail the thread for those seeking assistance.

I cannot say here what is normal or not normal usage. Only the devs would know what should or shouldn’t be happening. So anything related I merged or redirected to this thread for now. If we get more information on what is normal, or find a specific issue to fix some of the causes, we will update this now pinned thread. Just hang tight everyone, read over my previous posts and keep the system files coming for now.


Some quick playing around with the FPS cap reveals that the load increases/decreases appropriately. You’ve likely got some extraneous, expensive logic going on in the UI layer that likely doesn’t need to be updated every frame.

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I think it’s specifically with the Character Model rendering because it happens in the main menu, but not in the Boon or Talent tree UI overlay.


I blanked a moment there and was thinking of UI things that would impact CPU usage, not GPU.

I think you might be right, in a way. I don’t notice WILD usage in the Main Menu (about 38%) but that kind of load on a 3090 for what is effectively a single model at a capped 80 FPS seems kinda crazy. Similar result in the Social menu (38%), so a duplicated rendering of the character in the Inventory on top of the rest of the game could explain the hike given that level of usage.


Which is exactly what I showcased in my demo earlier and how easy it is to make a UI with 3D elements hog a bunch of resources, if they are allowed to update every frame…

The other people that are having the weird transient spike issues, that’s different and that’s what the second to* most recent blue post is likely in regards to. The sustained increased GPU load, while the shop menu is up, is normal and experienced by all. It’s felt harder by those who are running the game at really high refresh rates+higher quality settings though vs the majority of players playing vsync locked to 60fps.

Pretty sure by “normal” he means it’s constant among nearly all users. People’s hardware bricking isn’t.

Which means it is a developer issue.

In what world is 145 “really high”, especially for 1080 res?

Do you just make up stats? Where do you even come up with this stuff?

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FWIW, I’ve just been switching FPS from 130 during gameplay/dungeons to 60 when in town. Even at 80 FPS, my wattage vendoring goes up to and sustains at around 260.

Again, not a problem generally - normally, I don’t care at all - I will play games that hog the GPU and sit around 340 watts for the entire sessions, but when my wife and I both vendor at the same time our apartment’s power keeps going out lol

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This isn’t a 1st person shooter, tell me you notice the difference in Diablo 4 from 120 fps to 150

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I don’t, but I can clearly tell the difference from 60 and 120.

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technical a mess. server and client.
i’m still convinced the game isnt ready for release.

in the past 5 days the game crashed about 10 times. and after every crash my system is 1-2 minute not usable.
the game constantly starts after 1-2h to run very bad. probably VRAM memory leak. so i switch every 1-2h my texture quality to fix the “problem”. if i change the region more often the problem occurs faster.

that the UI just uncaps the fps and i my gcard turns into an oven ist just the topic on the cake.

maybe the core gamesystem works but everything around that isnt really great.

btw. a stupid crash killed my nightmare key. the dungeon isnt on my map anymore after i ported to a town and the game crashed. :+1:


I work in the industry… Almost every company harvests your hardware stats in some way shape or form(anonymously). Desktop resolution and refresh rate are easy to obtain from user level and don’t even require admin rights. I mean they show up in menu options when the game polls for the lists of resolutions/refresh rates the GPU will do, as well as the currently used one.

For instance, roughly 65% of people are still using 1080p(you can check steam hardware stats if you want a more public version of data harvested stats, though beware, their OS numbers and language got recently distorted when they added a HUGE chunk from Chinese stats). Another example: the most common GPUs being used are XX50/XX60 types or their AMD equivalents… Aka cards that aren’t pushing 144hz. Yeah, you can get a monitor that that can do really high refresh rates, but if the GPU can’t even break 100fps, well you know…

Anything over 100, in a game like D4, is a waste. Absolute brick wall in terms of the diminishing returns in what you can percieve. Though people like this are hard to argue this topic with and it’s kind of pointless. They’d claim they could taste the difference in carbonated water where they used oxidized diamonds=>CO2 vs regular CO2 lol…


You keep saying this like it means anything. There are people in every industry who are terrible at their jobs.


I have lowered every single gfx setting to off or low and set FPS cap to 60

Sitting idle in town, I’m seeing:

  • GPU @10% and 54 Celsius flatline
  • CPU @30% and Mem @56%

Going to a vendor…

  • GPU fluctuating @45-56% raising temp to 82 Celcius (strange; I expected higher GPU usage with that temp)
  • CPU @34% and Mem @56%

Its like vendors got a mind on their own and started some bitcoin mining business themselves :smiley:


Yeah, same. I already tried that. Lowering every setting doesn’t do anything which point to it being a severe game issue. Meanwhile we have someone who “works in the industry” who thinks this is part of the intended design.

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Then they wouldn’t request people to send entire MSConfig and DXDiag files if they could just get on their own.

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Those are very in depth reports. Polling something like resolution and refresh rate aren’t. Hence the “way, shape or form” portion of what I said, meaning almost every company knows some bit about your PC, not necessarily all of it, but at least some basics. DXDIAG also shows error logs and the driver versions for everything.

Anyways, quit derailing the thread by being combative/argumentative for the sake of garnering negative attention.

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That’s highly ironic coming from you.

Oh by the way there were other people in the past threads who work in the industry who called you out and agreed with me. So again, you saying you have work experience doesn’t mean anything.

The fact is that the inventory window should not be the extreme outlier and point of GPU stress and strain. There is no reason Blizzard would have made this as part of intentional design.

The fact that this thread exists as a pinned thread and manually merged my post about Inventory GPU load into this means they are looking into it. If it was a design choice then they would have already said so and not even bothered to look into it with the other issues.

The fact that they are gathering MSConfig and DXDiag shows that this is being taken seriously.

You don’t work for Blizzard. You don’t know what was intended design. All you continue to do is down play this very frequently presented complaint.

Is there a reason you can’t let people express their concerns and let Blizzard deal with it?

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I don’t see them whipping up any examples during a coffee break… So I’ll take their opinions with a grain of salt…

Except I showed you exactly how this type of stuff works, with an actual demo and overlay readouts… I can package the game+source code and upload it somewhere if you’d like…

They wouldn’t have, they designed the game around 60fps for the consoles, where they will probably make 80% of their sales on and where this wouldn’t be as big of an issue. They need to cap the 3D element update rates, like I’ve said multiple times now.

They do that for everything… Throw them into a database, parse them and see what the common denominator is, like if it’s a bad vendor model of a GPU+specific driver version or something.

It’s not downplaying… You’re under this extremely underinformed opinion that full quality 3D UI elements are cheap and free. They aren’t… There’s a reason why VR requires such powerful components: It has to render two offset frames at a time and has to do so at a high frame rate for both. This inventory increasing the load=>wattage=>temp=>fan speed issue is similar, but not quite as extreme(part of why VR games have dated graphics).

Pop D4 on a PS5 and listen to the fans, I bet you hear a similar climb in fan sound, indicating that the load has increased.