Game Freezes entering portal or opening inventory

Changing hosts file totally fixed the problem for me, thanks! Hope for the official fix to be released soon.

Don’t forget to check your ip addresses every day. Ms times are constantly changing.

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You’re right. It’s all about coming up with our own solution. I hope everyone realizes that blizzard doesn’t care about us at all. We don’t get any support. So we come up with our own solution.

Is it possible that this comes not from the patch but from DDoS or something similar ? like, because poe2 launched the same day and people are creating routing outages to diablo servers wherever they are and affecting some of us that are in the area in the process ?

And yes the same thing has been happening to me on pc, but i don’t remember updating the game when it started freezing (because i was already in the game since a couple of hours just fine, and logged out specifically after it started freezing), hence me saying this.

No matter what the problem is…but the pure absence of any blue post is a real disappointment. I know, that issues can be very complex and not easy to solve…but nothing?

I noticed that too—freezes started happening right when PoE came out.

Thanks for compiling the info in one place, makes it much easier to repost to other threads. Tried it on 2 computers and while it didn’t resolve the issue 100%, it made the game actually playable for a bit.

It’s very disappointing that after days of easily verifiable server problems, there’s 0 acknowledgement from Blizzard. I guess that’s the typical support experience nowadays. Too busy to say “we know, looking into it”.

I found a solution to this problem for myself.
When we try to interact in the game, a request is sent:

[Sigma] [tact] [:0]: cURL request '' failed with 28: Timeout was reached

Until the request receives a response, the game freezes.

To make the request return a response immediately without waiting, I blocked access to it in Windows. After doing this, the freezes stopped in the game.


  1. Navigate to:
  1. Add the following lines to the hosts file:

dont tell me because that diablo ceo whos name i dont know and dont care send that post on social media and now blizz servers getting attacked by poe fans.

allthough from what i hear poe 2 is critizized a lot aswell atm

try these steps:

  1. uninstall D4 and delete its folder
  2. uninstall Battlenet
  3. delete, Battle.net_components and Blizzard Entertainment folders from C:\Program Data
  4. reinstall Battlenet and make sure you’re logged into your region Selecting a Region - Blizzard Support
  5. reinstall D4

Thanks mate. Seems to work for me. I will try again in the evening during peak hours.

I found a solution to this problem for myself.
When we try to interact in the game, a request is sent: …

game seems to run much better now, im gonna go out on a limb and say they fixed it

edit: actually 2 freezes occurred when entering a dungeon

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Indeed… maybe Blizzard fixed that dead server? I tried with and without the host workaround from Mikotso, D4 seems to run better now. Let’s see if it stays this way

Yeap! They did something and now it works fine, finally!

Yeah, I called it. lol

Still, it was an interesting problem. And good that the community figured out a work around while it was broke. Something to log in the noggin for later.

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