Game Freezes entering portal or opening inventory

literally unplayable with all these freezes/disconnects -
client: PC/bnet

and how can I fix that? can you advise please


I’ve been facing serious issues in Diablo 4 that make the game unplayable.

  • Freezing & Disconnects – The game frequently freezes or disconnects when changing screens, opening the inventory, or the map.
  • Infinite Loading Screens – Long loading times or infinite loading screens after fast traveling or completing activities, forcing me to restart the game.
  • Changing graphic settings has not resolved the issue.
  • My internet and hardware meet the game’s requirements, and I’ve had no issues with other online games.

Any advice or updates on a fix would be greatly appreciated.

Change hosts already stop working unfortunately

Unplayable, a fix would be nice, thanks.

For me it didn’t stop working. Maybe you are using the wrong IP.

I first checked the IPs in CMD by using: nslookup

(Or nslookup if you are from the US.)

Then I performed some ping loops to each IPv4 address of the results. e.g.: ping -t

to see which of them is reachable and seems to react the best. This one I entered in the host table like vader suggested. Works fine for me.

Keep in mind you did these settings. Because for whichever reasons IPs might change in future and your game might not work any longer if you don’t revert or adjust these entries in the host table.

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Can someone explain in a more detailed way, I understand that you need to change hosts but which one and where and how to do it properly?

That is really sucks
you pay money for the game and need to read articles, check forums, do a lot of manipulations just to make the game work properly. First time in my life I’m having such experience. So interesting is it going to be fixed or nobody cares?

Just a few mins ago
simply press ESC and Diablo 4 Retail not responding and just kicked me out! :man_facepalming:

Ok, lets just skip the first steps.

Click on your windows key on your keyboard and type in cmd. Then open the programm it suggests.

The IPv4 addresses of the CNDs are -

First type in ping -t and see what happens.

Repeat this for all the other IPs like,, etc. by either canceling the first command by using CTRL + C or just closing the window and opening it again clicking windows key + typing in CMD + confirmation.

To rank the results - if you just do get timeouts for an IP - forget about this one and go to the next. If you get replies you will see the latency of the reply (should not be higher than xx to very low xxx ms - if you are getting a timeout now and then this is “just normal”). I did choose the ip with relatively low latency without changing too much. I had another one with even better latency but that had much more variety and also higher packet loss. So I have chosen which seemed to be the most stable for my reagion. After that I did the host entries like you can see in Post 17 in this subject (just replace the IP with the one that worked best for your region).

EDIT: I use other tools for that but to open and edit the host file with a windows standard editor → click windows key and type in editor → right click on this programm and run it as administrator

Then open the file c:\windows\system32\driver\etc\hosts in the editor - you will need to select “all files” instead of just text files in window where you are browsing to open the file

Put this at the button of the file (after changing to the IP you found out!)

and save the file. Then try to run D4 again.

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short update: Unfortunately I have to confirm what Batry said. Have played with this setting for hours without any problems but as I wanted to log in again the IP I have chosen now also causes issues and I don’t have the motivation to repeat that and see if it helps again
 Hoped this would be a workaround until problems (whichever - but for me it also started with the last update) are solved.

Edit: For me I was always able to catch some IP that is working. But having to update and check the IP all the time sucks
 but not as much as playing with these lags. Hope this will be fixed soon.

Btw.: I always thought that every company knows not to apply updates before weekend? And if you do than at least fix your s
 on weekend! This is a payed game. So how is it there is better support with nearly every F2P game?!?

I’d like to report that I was being kicked for idling because my game froze for so long that timeout kicked in and disconnected me. It didn’t happen before the last update. When it will fixed?

Been trying to re-login every 20 mins, same issue every time. And now I can’t even login.

Of course not. They not read forum. Looks like this problem is for a small part of players so we are not allowed to play?

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How? Did you make ticket to support? I send them all tests, files, diagnostics, and described all and got robot answer to update my OS or drivers. My game worked before this trash 50 mb patch.

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They say I need to up to date my OS and drivers. That is their fix? Enjoying? Try to contact support and see how they “fix” it

This ip adresses assigned blizzards game server:

Check all of them to find lower ms response time. Open cmd and type ping -t ip for all of them.

You can use ip which has lower ms response time in your hosts file.

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I just want to point out a couple things:

Number one, this is going to change constantly, and we shouldn’t need to be finding the lowest latency connection. It might work for a bit, but more than likely its going to be spotty, at best. Not to mention, where you are located may have completely different results, as I’m sure those aren’t all of them either.

Two, messing with the Hosts file should NOT be needed for any reason. If we are going to that level, this game is really messed up.

Personally, I think this is some sort of routing outage that’s affecting some of you. And it will get resolved eventually.

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Non stop freeze,non stop disc,non stop crash.Latvia here

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Ty Blizzard to give chance to get mine P300 on HC. I will never buy again Dlc’s or games from blizzard.
When i writed 2 weeks ago with other game problem in support there was just ctr+c ctrl+v
So gg for me. My pain are 0 now.
I hope other ppl will stop buy all games from Blizzard like ppl did with Ubisoft.
RIP Blizzzard devs in my heart.

A Friend of mine has the same Problem as you all here.
After a short network test I discovered, that IP Adresses from the Diablo4 Data Servers from and .8 are all very unstable for him. I live 30km away and for me they are all stable. For him the only one stable was .64.7 and setting up this IP in the Windows Hosts File did the trick and everything worked fine from then on. But you have to check everyday for this fix to work.

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Mate i payd 200$ for what ? To fix problems by me ? Its server problem and blizzless need fix this. I will just stop buy anything from blizzless and 10+ ppl already will stop buy anything from them . I hope More ppl will stop BUY ANYTHING from This SCAMS. Because they won’t fix game
 For what we need fix this shiet if devs doesn’t wanna do this ?

there’s also no support for Ps5 players when you complain to the devs 

 it appears that this only affects PC players , im playing on Ps5 and i got no problems with this stuff at all
Portal opens up after less then a second , can enter it without problem , can even group up with 3 other people without issues