Game freezes at "logging into Diablo IV" after waiting in queue

I also have an NVME M.2 SSD and am having this issue. The Localprefs file being changed to LocalprefsOld as suggested earlier in this thread appears to have worked for me…

Found another potential good work around, I updated my work around threads with it Solution (work arounds) for "Game freezes at “logging into Diablo IV” after waiting in queue or at Blizzard logo"

Some people renamed the dstorage.dll in the games files, which is responsable for direct storage (please, don’t delete the .dll, just rename for something else (.dll_backup for example), just so the game don’t access it. - I have tested, and it works. (Please remember to rename back the file when an official patch comes out). Found by Toom: [Main Thread] PC - Game Client Freezes at “Logging into Diablo IV” When Launched on Certain NVMe Drives - #246 by Toom-1290

My system just updated to a new patch 1.02.42122 which looks like it has fixed the problem with freezing on the logging in screen as my game just loaded straight away after the patch without using CrystalDiskMark.

Thanks Blizzard for the quick patch.

Done. I was move my game to old SSD disk - now working

SO THATS WHATS causing the nvme problems that really sucks great find

I’d love to know more about what they patched, but yes, the patch fixed the problem for me, too!

yesterday i could play for about 5 minutes without any crashing, now they’ve updated it and i can’t even get past the login screen. fantaastic.

Played earlier today no issues, logged out for dinner…come back now and game wont run longer than 3 minutes without crashing.

I played all day yesterday and had no trouble. Tried to log in last night and it kept relaunching D4 server. Today same problem. My partner, right next to me, same everything and he can get in.

I was going to test what you mentioned and did another totally fresh install on my system drive but by then build 42122 came out and appears to have solved the issue. I haven’t had a problem with the now default install on my P41

I was able to play just fine the past few days. Today Saturday evening I got a 3 minute que which I was like ok. The it hung on login and now it says 49 minutes…what the heck? If it’s this bad on early release I’m afraid the full release is going to be unbearable.

Here is a hint if you get kicked to the character screen like I did in Early Access beta do not try to log in from there again restart the game straight away the queue won’t be so big for you.