Game Crashing specifically after patch 1.0.3 (June 27th) (Addressed with Patch)

I literally told you Blizzard Support. So clearly it’s from the ticket that I have with them. I can send a ss of that if you want.

i wouldn’t mind trying to help… i’m somewhat interested in the modem model they referenced. you did state that you and your husband cannot stay connected right?

They referenced an old one, not the one that I have. SB6190 is one listed on one of the articles they sent me. Other ones dated back to 2016 about the PUMA 6 chipset that is in that model.

They also went on about how the ISP tech that came to my house must have only checked to see if the modem was online, despite me telling them that the tech actually came and did 15+ different tests to test latency amongst other issues that could be affecting our gaming. They specifically came over to test for those issues, not to test if the modem was online…

well, the 6190 puma 6 issue was due to ping spikes and bouncing during icmp connections yes… that should not disconnect your gameplay though. Puma 6 chipsets were known to have inconsistent ping times due to prioritizing high bandwidth first. After this issue came to light many years ago a lot of consumers moved towards Broadcom chipsets.

I don’t believe the modem is the reason you’re being kicked out unless for some reason Blizzard has implemented kicking players due to ping instability.

Our ping isn’t even unstable unless I am loading into a new area ie, leaving a city, tping to a city or running to a different zone. Soon as I get the new zone text pop up on my screen that is when my latency spikes and I either get dced or just freeze and lag out to the point I get killed by mobs nearby. We game together alot, have been for years now and never have we had an issue like this with a game. Our internet isnt the best out of what I have seen people post but a 400mbps+ speed should be able to handle 2 games just fine.

400 is fine. i’m assuming your tx/up is 20 or so… i’m fine at 300x10. this game does not use a lot of packet data. I just logged in and checked my data usage and it appears this game appears to use at max 20KB/s (usually around 80-200Kb/s) of data either way while active. I checked this in resource monitor, my router’s live data capture, and the ethernet performance tab of task manager. I really don’t see how you’d have a data issue.

you could try to run an report from dslreports to verify ping and stability.
just enter the day security question, hit test now… wait a 5 mins or so and refresh the page.

I looked back at your older post about 3rd hop and packet loss… if it’s on charter/spectrum’s network, that’s normal. their internal cmts and hub network adapters have certain hops that discard low level packets like ping (icmp).

if you run that test, let me know how that goes. it isn’t a definitive here’s your problem test, but it is something to rule out

I bought this game month ago. I haven’t been able to play it during open beta and not during the server run. No early access that I’ve paid for and still until today I was able to play maybe 2 hours game time total but saw my high end pc around 400 times crashing in various way, before unheard of. Now I’m finally almost lvl 30… but only because I switched to the PS5 version. I wan’t to play on my PC… Please do something…

I did a clean install of my nVidia drivers. It didn’t fix the issue for me; it’s the same problem. Doing some more research I see the following problem being prevalent in almost every crash for me (you can check your own logs by going to your Diablo 4 folder, like C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo IV\BlizzardError\ReportedBugs and look into the FenrisDebug.txt file inside directories marked by date and timestamp for each crash):

E 2023.07.03 22:01:10.078243	[Game] [04.07.2023 00-01-10][streamline][error]d3d12.cpp:672[present] Present failed The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
E 2023.07.03 22:01:10.078277	[Game] [04.07.2023 00-01-10][streamline][error]dxgiswapchain.cpp:194[operator ()] PFunPresentBefore failed The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
E 2023.07.03 22:01:10.078285	[Game] pm_dxgi::Instance::Present: Present Failed - Error : DeviceLost, SystemCode : 0x887A0005 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)
E 2023.07.03 22:01:10.078291	[Game] [Prism] Present Failed - Error : DeviceLost, SystemCode : 0x887A0005 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)
E 2023.07.03 22:01:10.078293	[Game] [Prism] pmCmdQueue::Present() - DeviceLost, Device removed reason : DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED
E 2023.07.03 22:01:10.078295	[Game] [Prism] Device removal detected.
E 2023.07.03 22:01:10.078302	[Game] [Prism] Device removal detected, on Win10/Dx12. Error #4

I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.078466	[Crash] GetLastError() = 126
The specified module could not be found.

<no message>

I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.078488	[Crash] Thread 'RenderThread' handling fatal error
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.079417	[Crash] UnhandledExceptionFilter
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.079543	[Crash] Crashed thread: 'RenderThread' (0x748)
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.079656	[Sigma] --- OS memory stats -----
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.079759	[Sigma] Virtual Mem Total: 68760.95 MB
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.079831	[Sigma] Virtual Mem Used: 34415.24 MB
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.079897	[Sigma] Virtual Mem Used by Process: 23990.98 MB
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.079962	[Sigma] Phys Mem Total: 64664.95 MB
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.080048	[Sigma] Phys Mem Used: 18972.96 MB
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.080146	[Sigma] Phys Mem Used by Process: 10299.61 MB
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.080223	[Sigma] --- OS memory stats end-----
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.080320	[Sigma] Opening dump file
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.080483	[Sigma] Dump file opened
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.080571	[Sigma] Starting dump
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.386875	[Sigma] Created dump after 1 attempts
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.387104	[Sigma] Saved dump file to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo IV\Fenris-0.dmp'

I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.395446	[Crash] 
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.395528	[Crash] <STACK-0>
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.395593	[Crash] ------------
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.395655	[Crash] Stack Crawl:
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.395717	[Crash] ------------
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.400156	[Crash] DBG-ADDR<00007FFF57B7536C>("KERNELBASE.dll")
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.400274	[Crash] DBG-ADDR<00007FF703D0E07A>("Diablo IV.exe")
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.400347	[Crash] DBG-ADDR<000002B39EDA8018>("<unknown>")
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.400412	[Crash] DBG-ADDR<000000DC74FFD8A0>("<unknown>")
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.400488	[Crash] DBG-ADDR<00000000FFFFFFFA>("Diablo IV.exe")
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.400554	[Crash] DBG-ADDR<00007FF7057E8410>("Diablo IV.exe")
I 2023.07.03 22:01:10.400687	[Crash] 6 frames dumped

(Save yourself a lot of reading; go to the bottom of the file right away and scroll up and you will encounter your own error messages)

While I strongly suspect it’s a Diablo 4 issue, I can’t on my end completely rule out something else, so I’ve downloaded Fan Control to try to increase the fan efficiency as I found some debate on another forums that suggested this. If it does make any difference, I’ll report back. It’s a stab in the dark, but…

Just finished the test said it was 98/100 and all 3 categories passed.

fantastic, mine says the same … the california test never comes back correctly.

2 last questions:

one, when you disconnect just to clarify you just get kicked back to desktop or the character select screen? you don’t lose internet correct? We cannot associate streaming in this troubleshooting btw unless you have a cable box and channel changing is extremely slow or by going to ondemand doesn’t work or is slow.

two, does this seem to happen at any specific time of day or does it not matter?

stormszero can i ask 2 things of you?

1st: what motherboard do you have?

2nd: would you reference my post here about DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED

I get kicked back to the character screen. Still have internet. Doesn’t matter time of day, I was playing alot of off hours before, sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up.

I checked my log file and found the same thing. It’s funny you can see exactly when the crashes started because I only have error logs after 6/27

k, thanks we shall keep looking for answers :slight_smile:

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Well it’s not happening frequently but it is still happening. I got a fenris crash today in the middle of a nightmare dungeon :frowning:

I do have the same error logs as posted above or at least it’s similar:

I 2023.07.04 01:56:43.886333	[WarpManager] Portal completed
E 2023.07.04 01:57:48.492009	[Game] pm_dxgi::Instance::Present: Present Failed - Error : DeviceLost, SystemCode : 0x887A0005 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)
E 2023.07.04 01:57:48.492033	[Game] [Prism] Present Failed - Error : DeviceLost, SystemCode : 0x887A0005 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)
E 2023.07.04 01:57:48.492035	[Game] [Prism] pmCmdQueue::Present() - DeviceLost, Device removed reason : DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED
E 2023.07.04 01:57:48.492037	[Game] [Prism] Device removal detected.
E 2023.07.04 01:57:48.492044	[Game] [Prism] Device removal detected, on Win10/Dx12. Error #4

DBG-ADDR<00007FF69A175510>(“Diablo IV.exe”)

Please someone remove this Fenris curse. Please don’t release half baked patches.

I found this on a forum from another game related to the exact crashes listed here and another site explaining some of the detail for testing.

I found this by looking for DXGI crashes

This may solve some of these recent crashing issues. Please leave feedback if it helps.

open your registry

in the top section clear the field and paste this or navigate to here:


create a new key > DWORD 32-bit
name it “TdrDelay”
value = 10

apparently the default value is 2 seconds and is probably too short for bad coding.

the value set to 10 is in seconds. a lot of comments in forums said values between 3-10 seconds were entered with the majority of the posts were 10 with confirmed fixes.

here is a link explaining in some detail.

here is a second link with some instructions using Tdrlevel registry key. I would recommend the delay as well here as numerous reddit gaming posts are saying all that may be needed is the delay.

here is a a link from over 5 years ago on an Nvidia forum roughly the 13th post down.

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Ok yesterday evening I played without crashes, I think it needs more testing to say they’re 100% gone but it seemed better for me. We got 1 or 2 hotfixes in the meantime and I did a few new steps on my end. Maybe it helps you so I will write it down here.

This is a copy paste from another website.

  • Check if there are corrupt file system in windows. Run an administrative command prompt or an administrative PowerShell session and type DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    If this command finds anything to report, run DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth to clean things up.
  • Next, run the system file checker until it reports nothing found or fixed (this sometimes takes 2 or 3 iterations) by typing SFC /SCANNOW . If it works, this will often fix the errors as well.

So like I said it can be the hotfixes they did, it can be the things I wrote above, it can also be the crashing is still here and I just didn’t have any yesterday evening. It requires more testing on my end but I wanted to share my experience, so far it seems fixed or at least reduced. I’ll be on tonight again and I’ll make sure to post my findings the next morning.

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The issue is really just VRAM spike from diablo for no reasons.

I stopped the crash after changing texture to medium and use DLSS balance.