Game crashes on startup

Game crashing on start up, unable to play. 70$ gaming experience in 20XX.


Same issue. Game crashes on logo loading screen.

Same for me.
Re install to another SSD now =(

Same issues as I reported in server slam. Removing high-res texture pack, lowering details, etc etc. Reduces frequency of crashes but still get every 30min-1hr.

5900X, 3080, 32GB - super stable, no crashes in many months except D4.

Had the issues again myself. (Edit: the issue being that the game hits the login queue and then freaks out. Audio drops and then the game becomes unresponsive after a few more seconds.) I only had the one SSD in my computer so I popped in an old HDD I had lying around. Game runs just fine off that drive. Iā€™ve never had an issue with any other gamesā€¦

i tried this and the crashes got less frequent but still crashes.

Beta No Issues
Server Slam No Issues

I Canā€™t Get Past Opening Logo for last hour
Nvidia Driver Updated Earlier Today
Repair ran nothing found.

Uninstalled and reinstalled on different SSD booted right up

Two hours crush, after crushā€¦ still no luckā€¦ changing drives nowā€¦

I canā€™t believe it. Running crystal disk mark before I started the game actually got me past the crashes. I just canā€™t believe it.

Same issue here, i7 10gen, RTX 4080.
I had no issues during the Beta

Moving game to drive C:// sole the problem for me, wish luck to all.

I tried the suggestion to use a different drive. And it worked.
I copied the entire directory from my new PCIe NVMe SSD drive to my 5 year old SATA SSD drive and changed the install directory in the game settings.
It worked right away.

ok listen, i had the freeze on the blizz logo slam, freeze on the logging in and i tried literally EVERY other fix to no avail, BUT try running crystaldiskmark before launching! it actually worked. i have no idea why.

EDIT: ok nevermind it only worked one time sigh blizzzzzzz

This got me to the que screen, but still froze up after that. it was worth a try though. Going to get a refund for now if it just crashes.

Im up at 15 maybe 20 crashes :). cool fun game blizz :+1: :+1: keep up the good work


Games was launching, queuing logging in just fine, but would crash with any mouse-click or keypress.
I had to stop both my MSI Afterburner and my Riva Tuner Stats server processes, and now itā€™s fine.

I was also getting a crash during the Blizzard screen (or Diablo IV screen if I clicked the screen) on startup. I unclicked the high resolution pack under modify install and this fixed the issue for me. Iā€™m on a 4K display, but game still looks pretty without that pack. I did not have to try a different hard drive to get the game running.

itā€™s crashed at Blizzard logo.
I have been able to play the game before I log out for toilet and back to launch the game and has this issue.
I tried many things like fresh install, change the folder, delete old files and nothing can solve my issue.
Consider refund so hard right now.

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Installing it on a different drive worked for me.

I had the same issue with the beta but always eventually got in after a repair. This time, I would launch it and hit a grey screen, may hit the Blizzard screen, or even a second of it trying to log in. I uninstalled, repaired, restarted, ran as admin, change the ā€œprefā€ file, freakin everything. The drive I was installing it on was a Samsung 990 Pro. Moved to another 990 Pro, nothing. Moved it to a 850 Evo and it INSTANTLY fired up.

This game hates samsung 990 pro drives. I have NO idea why. I have the same intermittent freeze every time I open the gameā€¦ I only have 990s in my new buildā€¦ This is so absolutely lameā€¦