Game Crash - Unable to Play

Hardware: PC - Intel x86 (Core i7 13000) / nVidia 3060ti
Client: Battle Net

Never had this issue. I usually have 1 or 2 stutters and random crash long into the game, but in this patch, I wanted to do the event so I fired up a NMD sigil 3x (2 old NMD and 1 Nahantu), all 3 crashed less than 2min into the game.

Troubleshooting Done:

  1. Lowered my graphics settings to Low
  2. Rebooted the PC

Still crashed. Bliz, please assist or let me know where to submit trouble ticket. I “sent” the one created by the client but I am not sure if they are checked regularly. Thanks!


this =)

so no worries. probably wont be something on your end.

Hey, thanks a lot. So I guess it’s not just pits and affects NMD too.

yea, citadels too as far as i saw. i just did a quick test and wasnt affected. so god knows what this is ^^

while not the most satisfying answer - sit it out and drink tea <3

incase this helps you:

just linking it as you are new on the forums and prob didnt see it <3

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Yay, just finished drinking coffee ;)…time for another round!

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