Game and Beta: Bugs, Quality-of-life, Personal Opinions

After achieving level 25 with every class, I’ve compiled a brief list of suggested adjustments. However, I’d like to clarify that my recommendations do not pertain to class balance, given the beta’s maximum level and absence of unique items.

I’ve categorized the issues I’ve encountered into three areas:

  • Beta bugs (Mostly known)
  • Quality-of-life improvements
  • Personal opinion

Additionally, I’ve createt ‘Numbers’ based on the level of effort :

  1. Quick time investment
  2. Medium time investment
  3. Large time investment


(1) There appears to be an invisible wall in dungeon 'Black Asylum'

I’ve encountered an invisible wall in a specific subset of the Black Asylum dungeon. This issue appears consistently and doesn’t seem to be a server-side bug.

(2) 'Occultist' not unlocked

The ‘Occultist’ should be made available as soon as a player acquires a Legendary item.

(2) ''Social' display bug on 21:9

It appears that there may be an issue with the ‘Social’ tab in 21:9 aspect ratio, as it displays a black bar. Other tabs seem to look okay, so it could be a specific issue with the ‘Social’ tab.

(2) Exiting to the desktop results in a game crash

Whenever I try to quit the game using the ‘Exit to desktop’ option, the game hangs and becomes unresponsive 60% of the time. I’m forced to close it via the Task Manager or by using the Windows prompt ‘Quit program’.

(2) Alt + F4 doesn't always terminate the game immediately

Although the game visually closes when I use Alt + F4 to exit, I can still hear the in-game sound for approximately 10-20 seconds, and the game remains active in the task manager.

(2/3) Quest 'Cost of Knolage' no longer progressable

I encountered an issue on two of my characters where I was unable to complete the main story quest ‘Cost of Knowledge,’ and I was also unable to port out of the dungeon.

(2/3) Logged in, but characters not listed / creation disabled

Characters may not be displayed and new character creation may not be possible after login. Sometimes waiting 10-20 seconds resolves the issue, while other times the game must be restarted. I have encountered this problem during both this weekend and last weekend.

(3) Rubberbanding is still massively present

As many players have noticed, rubberbanding occurs even when there is no queue. Players may experience brief teleportation back or be stuck running against a wall for around 10 seconds. This issue is a significant problem for open-world gameplay and needs to be addressed before release.


(1) Confusing Quest Hotkeys (maybe a bug?)

By default, the Quest Journal can be opened with ‘J’ or ‘L’, but when the map ‘M’ is opened, the hotkey for the Quest Journal suddenly becomes ‘Q’, which can be confusing. To avoid confusion, the same hotkey as in the settings should be used consistently.

(1) The maximum amount of Obols?

Although Obols can be extended through progression, it would be helpful to display the maximum number of Obols directly next to the tooltip.

(1/2) Region Progress Hotkey

Having a direct hotkey to display region progress would be helpful as it allows players to quickly check what they may have missed. The current method of going to the map ‘M’ and then pressing ‘W’ can be inconvenient. However, this hotkey does not have to be set by default.

(1/2) Map hotkeys should be customizable

I would find it more convenient to be able to create waypoints on the map using the ‘middle mouse button’, and to go back one map level using the ‘right click’ button. It would be helpful if these hotkeys were customizable, to allow for greater flexibility and personalization.

(1/2) HUD position is changeable, but the chat position is not

I would prefer to be able to customize the position of the chat to my liking. Specifically, I prefer the chat to be located on the left side of the screen, similar to the placement in: World of Warcraft, Diablo III, and Overwatch.

Personal opinion

(1) Character select top bar 'play'

In my opinion, the top bar appears unnecessary and removing it would enhance the overall visual appeal.

(2) It's necessary to backtrack to the first teleporter

Backtracking is inconvenient in this situation, and it would make more sense for the first teleporter to be located in the village rather than the city.

(2) Create character but do not play directly

It would be a welcome change to have the option to not be immediately launched into the game after creating a character. It would be even better to have the choice to only create the character or directly play it.

(3) Better representation during character creation

When creating a character, it would be helpful to have a visual preview of hairstyles, facial features, and other options, rather than just a list of numbers. This feature can also be implemented on consoles so i dont see why u didn’t do it.

(3) Possibility to save character presets

It would be a great addition to be able to save character presets for Seasons. Even though there may not be a wide range of options available during character creation, this feature would still be a valuable addition.

(3) The 'Tab' map should be a transparent mini map

Similar to games like Diablo III and others of its kind, it would be beneficial to have a larger, transparent minimap that can be accessed by pressing the ‘tab’ key, allowing the player to continue moving while referring to the map.

(3) Option to Hide buttons in HUD

While I can tolerate the HUD (I am not its biggest fan). But it would be appreciated if there was an option to hide the hotkeys. I am not forgetful, and can recall the hotkeys, i am not Stupid…

(3) Possibility to play alone

Even though it doesn’t personally bother me to see other players in the overworld, it would be beneficial to have the option to play completely alone if desired.

I hope my list contains some useful suggestions that could improve the overall game. If you have any further suggestions or ideas feel free to share them. I also would be happy to hear your thoughts.

EDIT: as i am limited to only 2 links and no embeds, i cant share my visual aid…

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I hope they take the feedback of the community seriously and we get the improvements we wish for.

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I hope so too. While the game is already enjoyable despite the bugs, I strongly believe that implementing some adjustments would significantly enhance the overall experience.