I have already made 38 attempts through the relog of the game. In all cases, the gate can be attacked. Please fix the bug.
Ran into this bug myself today, after abandoning the quest an relogging i made sure to clear the event before i went back into the cave. This worked to make the npcs move like they were supposed to and allowed me to complete the quest.
Bump /twenty characters
Same problem here, the possible fixes didnt help
Same issue…tried everything, nothing worked.
I’m tired of relogging for the n’th time with the gate still attackable, how can this bug been here for 14 days and still no acknowledgment from Blizzard team ? Worst thing worst, i randomly get tp’ed to capital when trying to relog in front of dungeon …
Cant finish this quest, i try every advice, but… Nothing work for me. NPC just stuck and not run to the gate. Many restarts many try. but… Nothing, Blizzard cmon…
God Damn i tried that quest so many times it does not work did the event so many times but those damn barbs dont move.
i even pulled the mobs to them ran back and let them fight alone didnt kill one, nothing worked.
start the dialog, then climb back up and wait for them to run off
I am a minion necromancer. I did all that this recommended and it didn’t work with about 10 attempts. I dismissed my minions and attempted these steps again and it worked perfectly. It could be complete coincidence but that’s what worked for me.
Edit i did not clear the event like some disreputable sites claim. I did not clear the dungeon next to it like someone else suggested.
Nope they dont move at all only blabla
Tried all the sugestions posted here and nothing worked. Decided to give it one last attempt with trying something new: talked to the npc → exited dungeon (immediately) → upon re-entering all npc’s were back in the cave and I could complete the quest!
How is this still bugged 2 weeks later. You’re boasting about $666m sales Blizzard, maybe use some of it to fix your game.
Still the same issue for me, 2 weeks into the game…
Bugged for me as well…
I’m 7h in relogging to reset this stupid quest, which is the last one a need to complete 100% completion (+the other two folloup quests of course)…
Can we at least have any form of acnkowlegement from Blizzard team that this bug is known and (hopefully) going to be fixed.
Managed to fix this bug. I had a similar problem as a Druid. Dismissed my companions but also removed every piece armor just to be sure. talked with the lady and that barricade was finally untargetable for me. After her dialogue the barbarians moved and i equipped again my armor and skills.
The issue is being able to see the wall when you load into the delve. I have a SUWide monitor.
Put the game in windowed mode, bring the aspect down as narrow as possible so you cannot see the wall right when you entered the dungeon.
still cant be completed
This still doesnt work for me on PC so I skipped it.