Full list of missing features / issues

It may vary what will be released / changed for release, but with previous blizzard releases, current game mechanics are pretty much done and all we can expect are some balancing fixes till release and that is it. Feedback is regarding to mechanics, not regarding to lag , que time etc… which can be also removed with more hardware etc…

Overall 5/10, it is super basic, nothing innovative ARPG side, MMORPG etc…
Lacking clear indication what it wants to be, therefore missing a lot of “Basics” from genres it “maybe” tries to compete with.

My negative FULL list.

  • Bad UI
  1. All the missions have same indicator - tracked one and regular

  2. Hard to see where the heck you are on the world map sometimes

  3. UI is small and bad, seems to be a mobile one, all made “compact” for pc without a reason. (4k ultrawide).

  4. Should have possibility to turn off hover animations etc… i want to see stats not wait per item for animation to load in.

  5. No overlay map (just mini-map or world map)

  6. Can not see quickly your full stats list

  7. Can not see stats and item details at the same time, as item tooltip overlay is soo big (and still requires scroll bar to fully see all info)

  8. Item power is nowhere explained (i may be wrong here), there fore seems to be some final addition.

  9. No DPS counter / health counter at world boss.

  10. Can not change effect texts - All effects have same color and are super large (Dodge, absorb etc…) if applied to player, but dealing damage to monster, then different effects have different colors.

  11. Fonts are all over the place (like character UI has 7 different fonts), shows super red flags for release if such beginner mistakes are currently baked in.

  12. Character Display is useless as you can see your character already at the same time.
    as Mobile UI opens on the right.

  13. Gems should be Consumable or totally separate Tab

  14. you have health “potions” quick button, but not for consumables.

  15. Harry potter Has more spells and can cast at the same time than this skill bar has. Which is also on console.

  • Mechanics
  1. No Market to post items for sell (therefore gold inflation is artificial issue) as you can buy only if you know who sells or buys (your friends) or black market or some discord channel etc…

  2. Party system / online mechanic is bad - hard to team up or to do quests (castles)

  3. Lilith statues are not gathered on alts (you have to re-do them for just “exp”, it shows uncompleted but actually they are done. Makes tracking what is collected with other characters super time consuming. Collected all 28 eventually, but made new character, they were not unlocked under progress info.

  4. World monster level scaling, having weaker party members gives you huge power boost to complete certain areas, which seems that can be exploited at one point.
    Example: you want to have geared lvl 50 team member for lvl 70 dungeon than lvl 70 member. As monsters HP/DMG scales based on level.

  5. Item level needs a lot tweaking, example as rogue, you will deal more damage if you wear 1 weapon, than 2 ( 1 higher level, 2nd lower level)

  6. There was no affex re-roll possibility.

  7. Main questline also scales, which means, you want to complete it as soon as possible as would expect, main questline has most polished / complex bosses. So if you do not want to get stuck at one point, you want to just got over with main quest.

  8. Side quests exp does not scale (at least with 3x 25 characters, did not see it to scale), therefore i was not motivated to do side quest that gives 7k exp, but takes 10 minutes, meanwhile when i can get 20k exp, killing few monster packs.

  9. veiled chests dropping horse cosmetics - which could not be traded. Soo if you get duplicate, then you just have to destroy it.

  10. Forced gambling, to not fall behind. i understand Obols limit in inventory, but allow me to store them into warehouse or so… if i have no need to spend them, forcing to spend is a bad thing just cause i hit max cap.

  11. World boss is and will be a problem with randoms.
    one of World bosses we failed, cause of 15 minutes timer and second, most randoms were barbarians. which ment, we just do not deal enough dps untill time is out, which you should not get punished, cause other players fail.

  12. No benefit of being good at world boss, can just afk and let others to kill it and collect your loot.

  13. If HP is full, potions do not heal you, you have to consume potion and then pick up potion, which is just Jank.

  14. Vendor shops currently seems to be out of place - useless.
    They cost too much, have only few items and provide maybe benefit only for alts as i would assume, they would not sell legendary , unique etc… items.

  15. There is storage only at certain area. Usually in MMO games, storage is in every Town, except maybe some small outposts.

  16. Flying / ranged monsters are missing Melee cycles, makes them super annoying for full melee characters. Sometimes they fly into areas where you just can not go or would be suicide (like boss fights)

  17. Respec point dependency is awful, if i want to respec like 2nd tier skill to another 2nd tier one (maybe i found good item for that skill) , i have to remove everything till that tier.
    Either make it points OR level or just do not “save” everything on selection, but on finally you click “save” or “change”…

  18. Can not add other consumables under quick key, next to potions, you have to open inventory, click on Consumables, search the one you need and then select it. which is just Jank.

  19. Player names are not reserved / saved, so you can have multiple characters with same name and others can use you name also.

  20. Did not see item crafting (assume it is coming with sets or so) if at all.

  21. HP pots drop seemed to be totally random, no idea who drops them or when they are dropped. Reducing tactical aspect.

  22. Skill tree seems to be half baked and all eggs are in paragon system.
    What i mean here… there is skill - mandatory skill - branch this or that and that is it.

  23. Game is not worth currently the money they are asking for current stage and showed content, but we will see on launch.

  24. Some dungeon mechanics are really bad… like clear ALL monsters, why not, clear 90% of monsters… it is super boring to go and search those monsters who are at certain corner at some place where you did not see.

  25. Traps can not be disabled. There is nothing less demotivating than losing hardcore character to some mechanic which is out of your control. If i forgot to disable them and lost character, then it is totally fine, my fault.

  26. potion upgrades seemed to be pointless, just flat hp increase, no special crafting like increases hp + movement speed when consumed or has less hp recovery + boosts attack 10% or so… then you decide if you want to sacrifice your health pool for extra damage.

  27. Bosses teleport into their own AOE areas, making things worse for melee character.

My Positive FULL list.

  1. Gathering activities are always good side activity.

  2. Side completions like lilith statues is good side activity.

  3. Cinematics are great.

  4. Character creator is fine

  5. Upgrading items is good, even if they cost much.

  6. Can teleport quickly if needed.

  7. World events idea is great.

  8. Open world exploring is great, movement speed is slow, but it probably is solved with mounts. Assuming mounts does not have some 5-9 sec mounting BS.

  9. Imprint system is good

10 . Rare god tier items are back. Legendary god rolls seem to be fun also.

  1. Virutal texture streaming is good, good and crisp visuals, just eats a lot memory.

  2. Legendary drop was good for low level as higher level tiers introduce new armor tiers which will obsolete them.

Went too long already… maybe will edit positives later again… as forgot…
Have fun and will see at next beta.

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Cool list, see you in game on June 6th you little masochist.

Dude, this is a beta where the level cap is 25 out of 100, how do you know if the majority of these negatives are even valid for the full release?

I think the ui is really good. Can’t wait to try out the remaining 2 classes.

Not gonna, lie - TL DR. But I feel you, if I had the energy to make a list they will never read, it too would be massive

Based on friends and family “beta” and previous builds, what has been changed in previous 6 months till now… and compared now to launch in 2 and half months.

There have been rather small stats tweaking than mechanical changes. But yes, i may be wrong and they have those in separate code branch, which will be released on launch… but i will highly doubt… :slight_smile:

He doesn’t, but they are his personal opinion in the current beta state. Which is why this is feedback on the beta, not feedback on the release.