Full Beta Review/ Feedback

I played every class to 25.
Multiple builds each.

Reading each class power wise.

  1. Sorc
  2. Necro
  3. Barbarian
  4. Rogue
  5. Druid


Sorceress feels very good lots of builds were not only viable but worked really well, gear changes up playstyles enough to keep everything fresh. Very powerful and often tanky with barriers.

Early game mana Regen or sustainability is hard and it’s hard to be excited about teleport for mobility on controller when teleport barely moves 5 feet let alone the 50+ feet on PC.

(Teleport needs fixed on controller/console plain and simple)


Once again very powerful, strong damage. Minions take aggro and hold their own. Multiple playstyles work very well from full army buffs, to bone spells and blood / corpse explosion.

Very slow, alot like D2 Necro little to no mobility. Skeletons can all die easily in a world boss or tough boss fight if under leveled leaving you with little power depending on spec.

( I think the Necro is in a good spot right now , would love to see some little things like minion aesthetic be darker and not so bright flashy D3 Necro )


Barbarian was fun to play 20+ , also after getting legendary powers attuned to my build he really started to shine. Has multiple viable builds and mobility and team buffs.

Very slow early game, some annoying boss battles , lack of early game fps, leap just like teleport on controller is a joke, not as tanky as you would think.

( Leap just like teleport needs fixed for controller 5 foot leap, slow movement and just has a tough time closing gaps on controller , overall tankyness is low )


Fast versatile class, can move around , crit easy, cc large groups and has some stealth mobility. Pretty fun class but I played the least of. I never quite got the hang of it and I think it’s easily on alot of people’s #3 power ranking for a reason.

Often struggles with resource, cleaning up mobs can be slow after massive aoes miss the mark. Lacking real potential for full trap build and feels more gear dependent than alot of other classes.

( Rogues pretty balanced, takes some skill, can feel bad and op at the same time, needs gear to shine , would love to see better traps )


Druid has a lot of fun spells, companions, and transformations. The aesthetics are very good , it’s hard to see the potential without the class buffs in beta but druid has potential.

Very low damage, struggles to solo bosses without op legendaries. Overall everything the druid does feels weaker than another class. He’s a true Jack of all trades but master of none. Very little mobility too.

( Overly weak and slow. Very cool skills that just feel under tuned. Think he will be strong after launch but too early to tell)

Graphics and sound are 10/10
Story is interesting 9/10
Gameplay is 8/10 ( dungeons feel bad )
Love the MMO aspects, love the altars and renown/ exploration thought the open world aspects were done well 9/10

I’d say my only major complaints were controllers and dungeons

  1. Teleport/Leap needs adjusted to be larger distance default or give us a tap/hold skill distance or use the analog stick for distance.

  2. Dungeons just don’t feel good. The layouts feel bad, the running back and forth for a missing key or enemy feel bad. Often when I would do a dungeon and get a certain event like save 6 captured people I just left the dungeon.

  3. Nothing felt random, even in the dungeons I don’t ever remember being surprised. They need more tiles, layouts, mob types, events otherwise in don’t see nightmare dungeons being end game people would rather do any other activity if dungeons don’t change.

Overall this game has potential to keep my attention for years but so far it exceeded my expectations minus a few hiccups.
