From 90k twitch viewers to 12.5k in less than 30 hours

imho no matter how much you think about it, twitch viewer count represent game popularity.

It’s so stupid to argue with it.

And btw even 90k viewers are TOO LOW for a new season for such a big and new game which D4 is.

With the poor reception of s3 and many streamers just passing on s3, 90k is better than i thought it would be. it’s actually not terrible. they just need to do better next season. S2 shows they can.

Gold sellers, real money trading and activity, boosting, all these black market stuff comes in line with an active game.

When you don’t see people doing this, the game is truly dead.

If there’s a valid economy and it’s active, it will show that the game is still generating revenue from the leechers - that’s important because when there isn’t anyone buying gear gold mats, the game is probably truly dead or ready for SSF mode.

Good thing twitch has nothing to do with the player base and reflects nothing about the game… God forbid people are actually playing the game rather then watching someone play it LOL.

The problem is that those who use twitch only represent a small fraction of the base.

I do not use twitch, don’t even know what it is honestly, yet i play.

Do i think the game is perfect? Nope, far from. Do i think that nlizz screwed the pooch? Yep…and released it way too early.

Not gonna sit here and trash the game because i have patience. People have a short memory. d3 was a trainwreck when it first released for over a year. D2 as well, and for a lot longer than D3 was.

Patience…gotta try and have some.

Brink, you’re probably an older player like me and don’t watch twitch at all.

However in my household, my kids all watch twitch on a second monitor while gaming. They also may not be actively paying attention, but this is very common.

So in my household, we have an attachment ratio of 4 gamers, to 3 twitch viewers.

If you take the data you can get a relative idea of what that attachment ratio is for each demographic of players.

This is also probably related to socioeconomic class as well since not everyone has a second monitor or a cell phone to watch twitch while playing.

So I understand your point from a personal level but from a data analysis and metric level the information can be correlated to hard numbers for region / age and possibly by race as well.

Now we dont have hard numbers to track so the value of said data is only as good as it’s own relativity and close genre games.

When looking at twitch attrition, the attachment ratios will change as the people who are dieheard d4 players maybe older and don’t watch twitch, so none of this is linear. which also makes it more complicated.

Anyway without doing some actual surveys with significant power, you wont’ be able to statistically nail down accurate numbers from twitch - best you can do is again be relative to self or other games in same genre (which is only POE with a seasonal mechanic I believe - BG3 would be okay but has no seasonal mechanic)

D3 might be accurate if you correlate with the beginning seasons as opposed to current and end seasons - as it is being recycled and shelved.

What you have is tolerance in additional to patience.

I think waiting 1-2 seasons is a good amount of patience for most people.

Hitting expac is too late of a turn around time to fix the problems. If they get the fixes out for season 4, they are barely making it.

I felt this season to be the most important for D4 actually as this would be our 3rd data point and we will have a better trend to track relative to attrition.

I am not surprised that people who have tolerated release + 2 full seasons are now fed up, are you?

Too low for what? Why would you worry about this?

Maybe you’re right. Maybe it is tolerance instead of patience.

Arent they the same thing or at least close?

I dont know. I am not too thrilled with S3, but i am making an attempt because i have always been a diablo fan. Loyalty i guess? Sooner or later though in EVERY instance, tolerance, or patience, or loyalty runs out.

Until then……

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There’s definitely an abundance of both. Not a bad thing of course.

I really like the game as a whole, there are things that need to be fixed though and I like it enough to tolerate the problems and patient enough to wait.

I will probably end up buying the expac and continue playing in light of my criticisms.

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D4 at 8.3k atm, pretty sad for the 1st Saturday night weekend for the season.

Im not surprised. After the patch last night, i was looking for some wisdom, saw raxx was streaming, tuned in. dude was playing palworld LOL. did the thumbs down vote and left.

Well yeah the season is awful and beyond the season, it’s just base game D4. Terrible itemization, boring dungeons with stupid objectives, dumb mat grind to do uber boss, grinding XP for stupid paragon stuff in NM dungeons…

Nothing new. It was bad at launch, it’s still bad now. Take away your weak robot and dumb vault and it’s the same old same old. Pass.

Why you give my mans a thumbs down? It’s not his vault the game sucks.

it’s not my vault he plays hardcore. maybe if he played softcore he wouldn’t go on a palworld bender. dude needs an intervention.

When are people finally going to understand that twitch views don’t matter?

Seriously, they don’t, they never have. Twitch viewers aren’t watching because of the game that’s being played. They’re watching because the person they follow is online or they’re watching for rewards.

People don’t watch Asmongold for example, because he’s playing Diablo 4 or Path of Exile or Last Epoch etc etc. They are watching Asmongold because it’s Asmongold.

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It is the plague, and its as boring to watch as it is to play it

I thought after Season 1 Blizzard had learn that slowing the players down wasnt a good choice

I overestimated them

We need less S1 and S3, and more S2

Alot of the bigger streamers dont care about d4 anymore and are playing most likely palworld lol. They took their audience with them.

The people they follow couldn’t bare to play it anymore and most of all their chats are complaining that they are playing it because its boring to watch.

Launching leaderboards 4 weeks in a season once everyone is max level and BIS gear is oh so clever.
Nice one, Blizzard !