From 90k twitch viewers to 12.5k in less than 30 hours

haha i love doing that, offtopic, but you know you can also capture the tower pals, including their owners? =D

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Lure the guards in there. Yup, already got one of each! Neat fact; Pals are loaded onto your character sprite, but are invisible in the overworld. If you’ve got a “boss” pal, run around with the sun to your back, and you can see their shadows on the ground. Sometimes can even see them hovering above you, which is… concerning. lol

Sadly tho, it doesn’t count for “defeating” the boss, and they’re also garbage pals. HP is through the roof, but their stats never change, so they get outclassed by almost anything after you start messing with breeding.

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If you don’t live and breathe content creators streaming Blizzard games while researching every meta possible, you don’t love Blizzard games. It’s as simple as that. You have to be terminally online to appreciate them. A person such as yourself simply wouldn’t understand.

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and I personally care why?
I’m enjoying S3 and that’s what matters to me.


oh thanks! just got the first one earlier and didnt really test it out too much, so yea, they are basically meat shields here and there with their huge HP :smiley:

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I’d give you more +1’s if I could.

all I see in this thread is

“I ignore the fact that the world considers this game faulty, I enjoy it so who cares nanabooboo nanabooboo”

you should care, if you like the game, that’s why people give brutal feedback

I dunno why this is news to some desperate anti twitch people, but if a game isn’t popular or if a game is declining a lot, chances are the revenue also drops, which means your “10 year lifespan game” might drop to 2 years

and I know some of you already will say “who cares, its just a game, i’ll play d5 when it comes out”

yes… all rainbows and unicorns, everything is peachy, don’t let the negativity impact your safe space!

reality = get away from me, fantasy bubble = uwu

Anyone who thinks online metrics and discourse for any game actually matter needs to step back and get some perspective. The fact of the matter is that the larger majority do not care about these sort of things. The casual base, which almost always eclipses the hardcore base, will login to play despite the flaws provided they have something new to do and play around with.

It’s the same reason why Palworld has sold 8 million units in less than a week despite the conversation online being overtaken by accusations of plagiarism, theft, and AI: Because the larger consumer base aren’t online nor do they care about it.


palword also has 150k viewers on twitch, 2nd most popular game

not sure what you’re on about, must be part of that fantasy bubble I mentioned

When Diablo IV was released, it had nearly 800k viewers. Palworld is experiencing what we call new game hype. In a month, it’ll be as irrelevant as anything else on Twitch.

That doesn’t mean the game hasn’t found success and that people aren’t playing it.


There’s a reason I have that user on ignore, the dude talks about living in bubbles when he’s in the biggest echo chamber I’ve ever seen, well next to Reddit anyway. Logic and objectivity mean nothing against anger and emotions. In a month if you recite twitch numbers for Palworld he’ll just call you a white knight instead.

palworld will crash to low numbers, because most games do.

you know what games don’t crash in popularity? competitive games. they stay on top.

you want to know why? maybe Google it or go to bard. and ask there

popular games that don’t suck and remain on top = competitive

I repeat, popular games that don’t suck and remain on top = competitive

https:/ /

Twitched be damned this season just plain sucks

Logic so egregiously flawed that I don’t even need to put that much effort in disproving it.

If popular games stay on top, why does FFXIV have less than 5k in viewership?

If popular games stay on top, how does that logic gel with something like OSRS, a game we don’t even need to debate on considering they publish their active player numbers. Nearly 100k people are active in OSRS right now.

Do you honestly think the only popular and competitive games in the world are Valorant, Dota 2, Fortnite, and League of Legends?

And you want to accuse me of living in a fantasy bubble?


why don’t you ask why Wow has more viewers than FFIV or OSRS?

you want to know why? COMPETITION

does OSRS have more players than warcraft? I don’t know, but wow does have more than FFIV

“so why is OSRS so popular then” my only guesss for that specific one would be similar to mobile games, because its free and doesn’t require a beef pc

Why would I ask that? Why should I care about the number of players WoW has when the point I’m making is that viewership is not a definitive takeaway for a game’s popularity?

Like, sure, WoW probably has more people playing it. Does that mean there’s nobody playing FFXIV?

Nobody is playing on the free version of OSRS LMAO.

no, I never said nobody is playing Diablo 4 or palworld in 5 months from now, that’s not what I said at all

I said the popularity of twitch matters, because it represents the overall popularity of the game (most times when it comes to console/PC) obviously not mobile, so what I said is if the popularity is declining or very low, chances are the game you love so much will change, why would blizzard spend 10 years adding beefy content when such few people are playing?

that’s what i’m trying to say, popularity does matter, look at Fortnite, I don’t like the game, but so many people play it, it gets new content ALL THE TIME

games with low population / revenue, don’t have reason to update as much or put much investment, because its all about the return profit…

people who despise twitch, should be concerned, because blizzard had a 10 year plan for Diablo 4, and… before s3 launched yesterday, the game was down to 400 viewers!!!

when you look at “most played Xbox games” (you cant do this with ps5), the game is like ranked 40 out of 50 or something like that

its not looking good, that’s the only thing this thread and me and others are trying to say

wait, you are saying noone watched people who streamed the last day of s2? shocker.

I said that so someone like you would post the obvious, I knew someone was going to say that, so i’ll counter this pointless argument

the last 2 months of s2 was around 1k viewers.

s3 came it, it peaked at 90k, its now down to 13k or so.

does it represent the whole player base? no, it represents the hype.

s3 is a failure already, its ok if you like it, but from a business point of view, its not looking good

and if s4 doesn’t do well, the return of investment (roi) will drop significantly, which will impact s5 content and future updates

the point of selling cosmetics was so blizzard/Microsoft could pay their employees to update the game, even if the population is low

time will tell, popularity = revenue, if revenue is down… so will the content

what I’m saying isn’t rocket science

I don’t love Diablo IV. I like Diablo IV, but I think this season is kind of stank. I even made a post heavily critical of this new season but unfortunately, unless you dress your criticism up in hyperbole and claim it’s the worst thing ever, people on the forums don’t actually care about what it is you say. They don’t care about discussing what can make the game better, but instead how much they can bait people into getting angry over it (Case in point: This thread). But that’s besides the point.

The point I’m making here is that you can’t use such metrics as a blanket analysis for what games are popular and what games aren’t. You linked Steam’s playership aggregate, but it’s not even an accurate basis for comparison. You know why? Because if viewership actually did correlate with the number of people playing the game, then Counter-Strike 2 should be in the top 5. Right now, it sits almost next to Diablo IV. Dota 2 is currently the third highest player count on Steam right now, but it has less than 20k viewers. Conversely, OSRS has 100k concurrent players right now (emphasis on concurrent. That’s not an actual statistic for daily individual users and subscribers) and has roughly 3k viewers. We don’t know FFXIV’s numbers, but we do know it’s incredibly popular and often viewed as the only standing MMORPG next to WoW. It has 5k viewers.

This doesn’t even begin to consider Twitch personalities, who have hordes of users watching them not because they’re playing a particular game but because they like watching that specific Twitch streamer play. Twitch streamers are always going to make a game look more popular on Twitch than it actually is.

All in all, it’s just a really bizarre metric to base an argument around. Some games are better for Twitch consumption, some aren’t.