From 90k twitch viewers to 12.5k in less than 30 hours

Did you miss this? Covered by effects or other mobs man. They have to address it. Its core part of the season that is failing. You cant dodge traps you cant see.

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it wouldn’t surprise me tbh

I’m calling it right now. Loot will not be fixed by S4. This team takes forever to do anything.


It’s only a good measure if you control the “survey”. That means you’d have to assume the same people are streaming both games, but they’re not. You’d have to assume that a significant percentage of the audience watches Twitch to begin with, they don’t.

And in 2023 we had a developer post about millions of people returning for seasonal content in D3 but they never had over 5k viewers the whole year. So what metric are you using to say D4 is a failure?

Considering no one has actually stated what they’d want fixed, this seems like a no brainer assumption.

Well, twitch is basically free advertisement.

So if less streamers are advertising a AAA game compared to indie games, there’s an issue.

That one I think will be handled personally by Joe Shely, or at least supervised directly.

I hope you’re right. Really, I do. :slight_smile:

the blind person even had to deal with the second phase of uber lilith, where the platform falls apart. and here we are, talking about traps not being visible enough?

im sorry, but this doesnt make any sense.

You seriously not getting it? I said the traps are hidden by other effects or mobs…come on man!

and i said legally blind people are able to do uber lilith, while you arent able to dodge traps because “they are clustered with mobs”

Legally blind doesnt mean blind. It has a broad definition. This doesnt mean anything. Way to try and gaslight me. I also find that hard to believe.

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Debatable. They pay streamers a pittance to play the game versus millions of dollars in commercials and print/digital ads.

But, most games don’t base their advertising plans around twitch. It’s generally a secondary option. Often because they assume someone has an audience. They are paying for access to that audience and if you don’t have a lot of followers they don’t really care what you think. I know it sounds mean but 5 people watching TimTailor isn’t advertising to them no matter how much positive stuff he says.

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so, you’ve cleared ALL the vault on NMD tier 100? with FULL stacks of blessings? NEVER touching a trap?

Ill be sure and develop some ESP so I can just see with my mind where traps are that you cant see like Neo in matrix.

You think that is a trap you are seeing? Show me.

oh really? lets see the definition:
Normal vision is 20/20. That means you can clearly see an object 20 feet away. If you’re legally blind, your vision is 20/200 or less in your better eye or your field of vision is less than 20 degrees. That means if an object is 200 feet away, you have to stand 20 feet from it in order to see it clearly. But a person with normal vision can stand 200 feet away and see that object perfectly.


There was a piece of promotional material put out by Blizzard showing a clip of the guy beating Uber Lilith. It definitely happened. However I can’t judge what “legally blind” means in this context as I don’t know the surrounding facts other than the response to the promotional material.

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You say it’s free advertising but the game has already sold over 10m copies world wide. Anyone who hasn’t lived in a hole these past 20+ years and actively plays video games knows who Blizzard is and the games they have. At this point who is there left to advertise to? The small amount of viewers who haven’t decided to purchase the game because it’s not their genre or it’s not interesting to them? You’d have better luck selling ice cubes to eskimos.

Twitch views are probably the worst metric or argument for/against a game I’ve ever seen. I put more trust in online reviews over twitch views, granted not by much. I don’t trust either over my own research.

I’ve followed twitch trends, have done my own research into what I could actually find based on number of viewers vs actual players I could find the numbers to. I’d say the majority of the time it’s not even close. You get maybe 1-5% of the player base on a more popular game watching vs actually playing. Worst part is you can’t even safely say those viewers play the game either. It would be wrong to even make that assumption.

Also depends on who is streaming at the time, and what they are streaming. You could easily have a twitch streamer put up the tag for any game on Twitch, have it running in the background, and the twitch streamer won’t even touch the game. Since they’re so popular though, you see a sudden spike in viewership for that particular game. Oh did the game suddenly get popular again? No it’s some one trying to advertise their only fans again.

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So he cant see what he is doing but somehow beat uber lilith and this has some bearing on me having to git gud on seeing traps covered by mobs or effects?

I dont think so.

I still find it hard to believe and dont believe everytihng I see on net.

I thought each state had a definition of legal blind

Anyways time to check out of this thread as we hit the point I have to supposedly git gud because of blind ppl and I think that is time to quit a thread lolz.

PoE barely has 5k viewers and it doesn’t look like it’s peaked past 20k since earlier this month, so I have no clue what you’re even talking about.

People like this should really find something better to do with their time. Imagine obsessing this much over being right about a video game.


Careful there with that spicy hot take. You should know good and damn well that you’re not allowed to enjoy something unless it’s what the hive mind of haters agrees on.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go back to playing my Rogue here, or enslaving humans in Palworld.