From 90k twitch viewers to 12.5k in less than 30 hours

I know of at least 14 people including myself that enjoy D4 and don’t watch it on twitch at all. 100% of my friends do not watch D4 streams but enjoy the game. Not exactly a metric that matters.


oh are we back to twitch views again? new season, same threads.


They probably will deploy the Leaderboards faster than planned because of this. Their streamers would want that to happen.

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This season is the plague. Traps are that bad. You cant even see them half the time. You cant put ground traps in a game with massive ground clutter already. Those were hard enuf to dodge as is and now that is hiding floor traps that reduce my loot. I wish I could have tested this for them and do a monumental facepalm.

They would have been better off making traps kill you instead of reduce loot. Players would rather die than get less loot. Its a horrible feel bad design. Just atrocious. Worst season by a mile. Can already make the call.


Twitch isn’t exactly a practical business model. The streamer dot bomb :bomb: could happen anytime.

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I did a post on why it doesnt work and how to fix it.

DEV Feedback: Why Traps dont work :mouse_trap: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

all the naysayers saying twitch doesn’t matter, yes subjectively it doesn’t matter, but from a marketing point of view, it matters a lot

and what’s popular on twitch, is popular on steam charts… its usually a good metric regardless if you despise twitch or not, the point isn’t twitch itself, the point is the game isn’t popular as some forum people claim

does that impact you? not really, but it does impact the future of the game, a lot of games stop development after popularity dwindles, and twitch is a sign that blizzard needs to improve something


Surveys don’t require everyone to complete the survey to come to a conclusion. They only need a general sample size, twitch provides a solid sample size.

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As long as you stay within genre I think there is merit to Twitch comps personally. You just also need to keep in mind similar stages of a life (or season) cycle as well.

I wouldn’t be shocked if s3 engagement metrics are down compared to s2 and hopefully that sends a message. I know I am planning to play s3 less just from what I have seen and what my expectations are.

My guess is an emergency fix will remove the entire loot tied to traps theme. Traps will just hurt u or CC u. The buff you get will just become an actual buff that will last the entire dungeon if you dont die tying them back together in a small way.

They have to do something. This entire season is tanking very hard. Its very evident across all media.


There’s not a lof of incentives to blast early this season. Here’s why: 1. No leaderboards or Gauntlet mode until the second half 2. Then, no aoz lvl content. Don’t need ubers to play. Everything will be too easy. Again.

Personally? If they dont hot fix in some fun I’ll play D4 later. Cram it like a midterm before Gauntlet comes out.

D3 season 30 has soul shards. I’m golden :sparkles:

Yah leader thing not coming with release was weird. The boards are there to rush and try to get a spot right on launch. Kinda dumb but whatev doesnt bug me

if they released the leaderboards, the season would be over.

keep chasing that carrot, maybe in s5 the game will be fixed? right?

eye roll


So predictable.


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get glasses. honestly, they cant be more visible. actually, way too visible to be considered “traps”

Wait so it started out at 90k viewers? How many of those play D4? Same question for your other points of data. Also how many streamers stopped streaming D4 after the first day of the season? You can’t just site viewer numbers and not give us the specifics, I’m genuinely curious now.

Also of those still streaming D4 what is their average viewer count per time they stream? How much does this fluctuate given what game they are playing? Does it fluctuate at all? Are the twitch views more so related to the streamer or the game based on the average viewer count of said streamer?

When you can answer these questions, it’ll paint a bigger picture as to how non-influential twitch actually is. The game itself isn’t popular because people aren’t watching it on twitch, the game is not popular because of the current seasonal mechanic people are complaining about. I have no doubt people are still playing, how many though? Couldn’t say.

Covered by effects or other mobs man. General ground clutter we have. Im not blind yet fren (but I am getting there). Dont worry when the emergency fix hit thats going to specifically address this I will take a bow and you can apologize.

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ive heard there are quite a few accessability option to cover for these reasons. you know, there is a guy who is legally blind and killed uber lilith and id consider these mechanics to be an actual pest.

i dont doubt there will be a patch, because people are crying over traps tho :wink:

Did you miss this? Covered by effects or other mobs man. They have to address it. Its core part of the season that is failing. You cant dodge traps you cant see.

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it wouldn’t surprise me tbh