I’ll take not being able to log in for a few minutes to waiting in 4 hour long queues any day of the week.
what’s your cash app/Venmo? I’ll send you the 0.2 cents you’re “owed” for downtime. You aren’t getting screwed at all. Now if they permanently took the server down and said, welp D4 cancelled. THAT is you being screwed out of money . Grow up.
Let’s see, I paid $70 for the product…you’re gonna need to pony up the rest of the $69.98 for the billion dollar company you’re simping for
I completely logged out and re-logged and I got in.
Touch grass, its maintanence, they didnt steal your time.
…that’s not how that works… God i hope you never get into a management position or a job of real importance. Read the terms and conditions of you purchase. You are getting exactly what you paid for - Access minus maintenance/down times for improvements/fixes/patches etc.
I just got in. Try again. You might have to exit and relaunch.
I finally convinced the wife to play the game we get in and severs take a dump: she stays in I get kicked im like: no big deal this happens - fast forward 40 minutes and still stuck at game starting pending whatever.
You’re right. I’ve already spent 3 hours of my time waiting to use a product i purchased. I’ve definitely got better things to do than waste time making a point with bootlickers
Good, stop caring so much. Theyre video games, youre paying to have a little silly fun. There are more important things to direct your genuine concern to.
Just step away when this stuff happens dude
Im in guys , i just logged out and back in.
I’m not enjoying the “always online” design of many new games.
You purchased an MMO, arguably the most online of all game genres.
I dont mind it. it’s fine. being online doesnt affect me in the slightest. I am always online if i’m at my pc anyway. and until they decide to bring the servers down forever in like 30 years, i don’t care lol.
Yeah, but it sounds like people want them to find some time outside of the 24 hours in the day to do it.
They use this excuse as they don’t put up the money to begin with and bet on people stop playing for other games and then it fixed like magic as it less strain on the servers as forecasted.
Hey guess what…servers up. that took no time at all.
Your all lucky stuck in queue. Im stuck in a real life job…
On the wow forums , people get gaslighted that maintenance in the day for the poor workers health as they cant cant work 24/7 as they ignore they can hire a night flex shift to do these things like most the internet does now. Its just more ways to not pay for things as more shifts is less profits.
and the lag is the same if not worse