Fix your servers, Blizzard!

Yes, I realize maintenance is currently happening, but there are ways to do maintenance and push updates without servers struggling to catch their breath. Also, it’s not just occurring during maintenance, it’s being happening pretty regularly the past couple days.

This has not changed at Blizzard, ever. We all know the servers can run fine because we didn’t brick on premium days. They opened the floodgates with not enough capacity as always. They will lame excuse DDOS or unforeseen maintenance. But, we all know they are cheap.


Maybe because things needed fixed sooner rather than later? Maybe they are working on re-enabling the Echo of Lilith end game fight? Maybe they are trying to get the side quest up they disabled due to bugs. grab a drink and some food and it’ll be done in no time.

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I’m actually glad I got early access and got to get a really good amount of uninterrupted play time in before regular release. I’d be totally dying now if I didn’t.

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Its the wrong term …ist not maintenance…they are having SERVERS ISSSUES

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Maybe they are adding Diablo to you know Diablo?



Tell me about it :smiley: i concur

Those 4 early days were very smooth

Man, they are really putting something in shoe polish these days

paid 100 dollars for a video game… the only thing working is the shop full of 30 dollar cosmetics…excuse is probably small indie company only buys servers for 5 days.

Next time you need to do maintenance do it when people arent trying to play,


Vamos a morir! cola infinita, vamos a morir!

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There’s literally maintenance going on right now, it’s on the BlizzardCS twitter and your client.

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Explain time to me? ok lets explain time to the class…

Yes, it’s prime time for some of the United States…okay, so they push out their deployment/fixes to be hours later…Now its prime time for UK/other countries… You do not matter. You are not special. It’s going to affect someone, somewhere. just let it happen and get it done.

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Just wanted to say this has been one of the smoothest blizzard new launches yet.

Really there was only one primetime server down situation and that was like 10min only.

Seriously one of the best launches for bliz

Stuck on “Queued for Game - Start Game Pending”

got home from work… logged in to play d4… SERVERS DOWN… RIP


i expect more for the price of admission

I’m starting to get mad honestly, now is the only time i can play. :rage:


You guys realise theyre doing maintanence right? It literally says on the launcher…

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was…until today.

amazing how they take everything good and ruin it after 5 days

You see, sometimes, when you aren’t looking at something constantly while doing other things, events can occur during that time.
JFC what is it with bootlickers and whining about people pointing out problems? It’s like they get off on making sure people sit down and shut up and get screwed out of the money they pruchased