Since the patch, game wouldn’t open.
Event log :
The program Diablo IV.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed.
Looking at the interwebs, everyone pointed to directStorage ( go to D4 folder, find dstorage.dll and dstoragecore.dll)
my dll were : v 1.0.2205.2402
renamed them to .dll.bak files
downloaded the latest packages
Cant post link Google " Microsoft.Direct3D.DirectStorage nuget"
Unzipped it,
went to native/bin/x64/
and copied the 2 dlls to my D4 folder.
Game now loads.
Question is:
Can we get an answer on if it is a correct fix, can this cause issues, etc?
Also another fix is to DNS flush your computer.
open up command promp
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
The same issue.
thanks for post- work for me
Thanks, this direct storage fix seems to have worked for me. At least I can log in, will see if I encounter other issues.
The DNS flush worked yesterday, but the game won’t start at all today, no matter what I do.
I think my issue is slightly different.
After I click ‘play’ from the launcher, I get the blizzard splash screen with some animation on it. This should normally then fade to black and continue with the loading process.
50% of the time now, the screen freezes (the subtle animations stop), and you get a blue spinner on your mouse icon.
50% of the time it works fine.
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That worked for me - thank you!
Well if you replace the two dll’s, with say version 1.2.2 from Microsoft, bnet/diablo 4 will ‘fix’ those back to the packaged version at some point.
Unfortunately to day i have the same issue so this works for 24 hours. something crazy
If you go check those files, you’ll see they reverted to the 1.0.2 version. Re-replace them with the downloaded version.
Alternatively, use the startup flag to disable ds:
We believe we have identified the issue. We will have the fix in the next patch. We have identified an immediate workaround as well.
Click the icon next to your “Play” Button on the Launcher
Click on ‘Game Settings’
Click on the ‘Additional command line arguments’ checkbox
Add ‘-disableds’ to the box that appears.
Launch Game
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