First impressions from D4 beta

Character Development
Great customization options, I love how the look transfers into cutscenes and everything else. Somewhat limited profiles and racial profiles. I think some more can be added to this to make the experience unique for each player. The trans-mogs were fun and I liked the way my setup was always showing up on cutscenes as well.

In general terms leveling was as expected, some main quest content required some levels before being achievable, which is great. Loot drops were substantial, however, given that modifying them was harder and there was a LOT of variety, getting a good piece still remained hard. I can see how builds will start hinging on lucky finds working together. I like the idea of having mix and match sets with legendaries, it works weirdly enough and its not bound to specific skills, more like skill types.

Skill trees felt constrained by requiring minimum investment in previous. Points were stretched as it is, but I can see builds building on +skill from armor only. I would often lose track of my cursor while moving around, and end up shooting skills towards no enemies, maybe something that would make the mouse pointer more visible during “locked” attack mode would work. Definitely missed Xbox controller support on PC.


  1. Add a new element: Creation perks, something that would not be unique and can only be modified when a character is “reborn”. Maybe adds % movement speed, or natural health %, or dodges more often, etc. This could come at the expense of some other stats or a reduction in some other stat. Moving faster makes it easier to stun/knock down the character.
  2. Mouse pointer to be more visible during attacks with locked mode, maybe even a range marker to know if you are hitting or not?
  3. Xbox Controller support on PC

Gameplay is familiar and works well. However, it seems dated when compared to Diablo Immortal. Controller support should be considered essential even for PC. It helps translate muscle memory between platforms.

I have heard about multiple layouts, and fast switching, and honestly, its fine for min-max, but I like the controls simple. I would say that the having 2 more spots total would be adequate, since it does feel cramped to fit all the goodness in just 6 slots.

Sound was fantastic, and I enjoyed it. One thing to note is that some of them are repetitive, maybe have 2-3 sound samples to mix it up? Too expensive?

The upgrade system for rare/legendary is a nice twist. I felt like extracting legendary powers and reducing effectiveness is a good way to encourage farming. I appreciate that now breaking down items vs selling them is a decision to be made. In the past it was way to easy to get 9,000 veiled crystals. I hope the trend continues thus creating a healthy relationship between resource generation and consumption (please do not make it p2w). I look forward to more consumables with decent farming/length of use that are not over the top.

Other type gems was a welcome addition. I love the fact that there was a Skull gem that does something different and its not a legendary or rift gem. Make more!

Thorns worked well, it was actually useful for clearing. Range on barb was to be desired, however I can see how it can turn content trivial if too powerful. Health regen was great to see and it was practical and useful. Barriers on rogues, yes please!


  1. Auto-loot pickup based on rarity was a game-changer in Diablo Immortal, bring it back!
  2. Add 2 more slots overall - one for ultimate, and another for passive effects.

OH MY! I was taken aback with the amazing intro sequence! And the main storyline is TOP NOTCH. I mean, please consider making a TV Series, this would be GoT/Witcher material! Oh my, the plot twist and expectations on what happens between Inarius and Lillith! Who is the Wolf? What’s Neyrelle’s role? So much… Even the side quests had very interesting and awesome backstory. Vigo, what a shocker!

Still work left ahead, however I think this was a good start, much better than D3. Keep at it folks, your audience awaits!