Final verdict, impressions, fair summary of stuff [somewhat different than initial ones]

Hello everyone, as everyone knows we were busy quite complaining about various stuff that may or may not have been a problem, as did my part as well not gonna lie :smiley:

Ok, so, having everything in mind, the final conclusion/summary of my Beta impressions is 4 things that MUST be fixed, and 2 things (one strongly recommendable, one just a bonus) that would rather nice to have

1 - The UI, come on guys, small meaningful popups that take up to 35% of screen, not middle of screen canā€™t see anything going on popupā€¦ And for the love of Sanctuary donā€™t block controls (movement and combat) while opened a popup

2 - Controller bindings are just outright TERRIBLE, please do not do what D:I did (terrible as well)

This is not GoW where repeatedly hitting R1/2 can satisfyā€¦ Yes = that game can do cause Kratos hits like 3 times in 5 seconds, this is a fast-paced combat game so let us use ABXY (those are also keys damn it, make everything bindable, including picking an item and manually using sticker to put it somewhere/rearrange, not have a whole ā€œcontext menu legendā€ of Equip/Drop/Mark-as-junk/e.t.c.)

Please bring us a cursor (just like Mouse would have) and put it on the Right sticker and let us AIM (instead of lock/unlock one target after another, WTF)ā€¦ Aim where cursor is, reset after out of combat in neutral/centre, simple as that (targeting from melee really doesnā€™t matter that much)

Another simple fix - a wheel menu that contains all the submenus in there (not just Inventory ffs) on a ||| key (or the one on the other side), done

3 - Rework map (give us info what is above, what is below, is entrance of a dungeon up or down, am I heading to a quest that Iā€™ve got selected or itā€™s some other random stuff), also if possible make/bring map on playscreen as a vague/transparent outlines (for those that wanna not get lost in the beauty of the overworld much)ā€¦ Also a bonus question = whereā€™s Feodor ffs ? :smiley:

4 - Balanceā€¦ I mean itā€™s kinda ridiculous to see that took 3 days to see all the imbalances outrightā€¦ Fix Druidā€™s Core skill problems (perhaps Wrath as well), Shred is super clunky to use (doesnā€™t dash from up close, only jumps from outside of range), Lightning Storm costs too much for a channeling ability that misses when opponents move e.t.c,ā€¦ The Hydra and Corpse Explosion are a story of/by itself as well (perhaps Ice Armor too but would expect to balance out later) :stuck_out_tongue:

Now - onto the ā€œwould be nice to do/haveā€

1 - [Strongly recommendable] - make Generic/Core builds viable, add another mini-tree per skill that opens up on level 5 investment (offer 3 options to the player)ā€¦ These should be something that compete along with other builds like high-tier skill builds or CD-reduction ones

2 - IDK if there are later in game but could add/use affixes of type that give some kind of empowerment per point of primary stat (say +X% stun duration = calculated by Str, or +X% damage vs distant enemies = calculated by Dex, stuff like that)ā€¦ Itā€™s not that classes ALREADY have some things buffed by primary stats but the mere option that they can buff something else IN ADDITION to what there already is can be a tempting/nice affix to have

Overall love the game and seems promising, itā€™s just that have to make choices of build/gear more obvious (some of them are and really stand out, others not so much)

Thanks a lot for the opportunity and for the game had an absolute blast (right to the very end might add :slight_smile: ), see in hell in a couple of months