Few QoL Improvements

  • 1 Gems should have their own Inventory Tab and not take up space which should be reserved for the Weapons, Armor, and Jewelry you will be picking up. Considering the amount of Gems you will be picking up and the fact you will have multiple tiers of the same Gem, it makes a lot of sense to put Gems in their own Inventory Tab.

  • 2 Salvaging should be made available remotely. It doesn’t cost gold and the items it returns do not take up inventory space. Come up with some dumb lore reason or device that allows this.

  • 3 Your Stash should be available remotely. It is obvious you are going to be toting around a ton of stuff, and given you have a lot of loot that is Bound to your Account, why not? It is simply a nuisance to have to TP and run all the way to your Stash and breaks up the gameplay. There isn’t anything added by making it unnecessarily time consuming to access.

  • 4 Add Auto Pick-Up and Auto Mark-As Junk Filters to Toggle. By the time I mark an item as Junk then Sell/Salvage it, I could have just hovered over it and Sold/Salvaged it anyways. You should be able to filter by item stats, quality, class, etc.

  • 5 Maybe I missed it, but destructible object highlighting and item highlighting is pretty annoying. I never saw a function like D2 where I could hold ALT to show and higlight items. Destructible objects or ones you should interact with also are sometimes very difficult to see. Some of those objects might be a random corpse that has a Quest item in it once you interact. The artwork and lack of ability to control camera angle makes this a little challenging and frustrating.

  • 6 There needs to be advanced Map Overlay that can be toggled. This has been a fundamental of ARPGs. Don’t care if it is immersion breaking, it hampers gameplay having to open and close it constantly.

  • 7 Extra Skill Slots. Okay, I should have this as #1. There are a few ways to maybe solve this. The best way would be simply expanding slots from 6 to 8 and reworking some skills. An acceptable stop-gap fix would be reserving an additional Skill Slot for an “Ultimate” or Utility Ability and one for Movement/CC. It is very obvious that many classes and builds feel repetitive and shallow with the concept of Basic/Core abilities and with how Summons work. There are also a lot of Buffs/Debuffs that could be reworked into perhaps an Upgrade of an Active Skill, a Passive Proc, an “Aura”, or perhaps combined with anotjer Buff/Debuff to give more player choice. This has nothing to do with “Class Balance”, especially in an ARPG that is predominantly a PVE game. It has everything to do with the gameplay feeling very 1-dimensional in its current state. I have tried pretty much every build and each class (some more than others) suffers from varying degrees of this.

  • 8 Add in-game calendars and notifications for World Bosses, Events, Daily Content etc. Eventually, what will happen is this is pushed to a Third-Party Broswer app and many players will not be able to experience content easily. This is probably one of the few things Lost Ark got right. Granted, there was a plethora of time-gated daily content to keep track of, but still. Lost Merchants was utilized to track spawn times and locations of Secret Merchants. World Bosses are already done similarly. At least you get a 30 minute notification in advance.

  • 9 Class Icons or Text Color added for classes above player names. While it is pretty obvious most of the time, it would be nice to see what classes players are quickly. Hard to miss who is a big boi Druid or Summon Necro. This should carry on while in Parties and be helpful in co-op world content.

  • 10 Improve the Rez function. It has a little latency to actually ressurect someone. Despite the completion bar being full, it takes about a second after it is full to actually rez someone. Small gripe, but I often find myself running off right before someone actually gets ressurected only to have to double back. Once the bar is full, it should rez them. Seems to be a timing issue.

  • 11 This is a bonus one but it seems like there are a lot of needless collisions I have found you get hung up on. It is very noticeable with skills like Whirlwind where you will get interrupted and cannot use the skill despite it being open.

I feel that if these thinfs get addressed before launch, especially the Skill Slots, the game will retain players at a higher rate and feel much more polished. Fun so far but we have the luxury of having some exceptional ARPGs to compare things to (PoE and Grim Dawn for example), and while I like the “Less is More” streamlined approach the Devs have taken it, if you are going to go the minimal route, you absolutely must nail it. Very close to the mark , but I am a little skeptical when legitimate constructive feedback is dwarfed by “Lol Druids are tubby”, or “Necro women have small bewbs”. Yes. Important stuff people.