Feedback - The casual experience is just not there

Hi, just quick feedback, this is supposedly a casual-friendly game, but it isn’t depending on your class, I like to give example simple solutions if possible:

  • Until you get a reliable sustain, game is miserable for melee. Many attacks are fast enough you will not be able to use your personal skill to overcome that.

Possible fix? You can easily solve it with a few points of HP regen per second, this will prove invaluable early game and less useful as you get more HP and you level.

  • Druid/Barb get a miserable experience, seems barb start to pick up on lvl 20, Druid start to shine with legendaries. Just don’t do that, fix it. Many casual players will not wait for lvl 20 or a legendary to drop and just abandon the game because is so hard for them, specially if they cross a sorc/necro and see how they breeze the monsters they’re struggling with.

Fixes? Transfer the part future legendary power into the base skills, and/or make skills scale from a higher base damage on level l but more softly to make up for it.

  • If you’re aiming for a casual experience, why all the increasing costs in respecing skills? just makes no sense, let it be static cost based on your level and give people the opportunity to respec as much as they like with a fair cost in exchange.

  • The game has absolutely no consideration in melee vs ranged. Usually melee get something extra to make up for the innate disadvantage that the archetype has. This game on the contrary even enemy AI is extremely annoying for melee.

This is not fixed easily: seems whoever tested the game didn’t take this into account of fell in deft ears. Melee needs that little extra to make up for it, and enemy and boss mechanics should be thought with melee and ranged in mind.

Things I didn’t expect and liked it:

  • Gold is valuable, you have to make decisions regarding gold: sell items or salvage them? maybe don’t socket in-out items too much because there’s a cost to pay.

  • World boss has that sweet difficulty level, once you know all its patterns, is easy, but still you need to pay attention constantly to not die. Most world bosses in games are usually piñatas.