Feedback & suggestion

I enjoy the beta so far, but 1 thing I’d like to see increased further. I have a good stick drift going on & I’m having to play on inner deadzone 10, it’s not enough at times & so I’m asking for it to be increased to 20 for added fine tuning.

Also there is a lot of rubber banding going on mostly upon leaving town & it continues to happen right as you step into an event just outside of town. It can sometimes get players killed, like example your screen is clear of enemy npc & then it all catches up & your in the thick of it. Please find ways to increase frame rate.

It would help if I said I’m on a Xbox One, not a S or even a Series X/S.
from being a long time D2 player I was hoping there would be a class with thunder traps, I miss those things.

On Xbox Series X, when going into new areas my character glitches out and gets ported a bit back before going in again. It happens quick, but it’s extremely consistently glitchy and that’s with an Xbox series x, you know there’s no hardware issues here.