[Feedback] So, I played Druid

I got to level 25 and here’s how I feel. I was most hyped for this class. (Beta is subject to change, and we only were subject to playing a small portion of the game.)

I started with a Sorcerer last Beta a week ago, going from that to druid was rough. I was eager to go Werewolf first. Immediately I could feel how unimpressive it was and over the course of my leveling, just as any one else I’ve seen, I miss matched abilities that seemed to fit what legendries I was getting early on and or looking for a play style that was fun.

When I reached level 25, I had settled on the pulverize build that a lot of players seemed to eventually just migrate to. After beating the world boss, acquiring legendries through leveling/questing, I was ramping up to 1,600 damage if my procs were right.

After another world boss kill, I lucked out and got several legendries that focused on Landslide, Fortitude, earth abilities and so on. I immediately switched to a landslide build where I was able to peak at 2k-8k damage (If my procs line up, no shrines). But, it takes a lot of ramp up, and I’m unsure if it was enjoyable.

Storm Strike = Damage reduction/Vulnerability > Landslide
Earthen Bulwark = Fortitude/Survivability > Debilitating Roar = Healing/Fortitude > Blood Howl > Heal/Increased Crit(Legendary)/Att Speed

Doing dungeons alone, I’ve gotten into a good grove of maxing out my Fortitude and weaving my abilities in and out getting my higher damage numbers. My biggest complaints are as follows.

  • Once you’re out of combat, your Fortitude drops… like a rock. (To combat this, I try to leave 1 enemy alive as to keep myself in combat).
  • It takes a while to ramp up to full fortitude, for me and my build, it takes a few rounds of 15 second + cooldowns to get max fortitude or atleast enough to start seeing bigger numbers.
  • Your Spirit spenders take up a lot of your spirit, and your spirit spenders both don’t get you a lot of spirit for the amount of time you’re swinging, and, I don’t feel impactful with the sounds/animation. (I played barb for a little bit, and to me the bulider abilities sound impactful)

However, my friend; who plays Necromancer… he and I begin to do dungeons together. He absolutely and effortlessly clears dungeons.

For me, and this build, I feel like a super saiyan spending 3 episodes screaming to ramp up my power. And right as I’m ready to kill the enemy, my Necromancer friend comes farting in with his blood explosions and kills everything before me.

Because of his minions, they kill the 1 mob I leave behind to keep me in combat. And because he’s SO much faster than I am, he’ll get to the next pack before I do, and poof, all my Fortitude is gone before I can get to the next next pack lol.

This gameplay could change at higher levels. As of now, I like the healing, I at this point just stand in stuff because it doesn’t matter. But why play Druid when you can be an exploding blood super nova lol.

When launch comes… Druid will be my first (I know…). But I can’t assume this’s the final product, too. Plus, I know others probably had it much easier than I did lol

Hadn’t even heard of anyone using Earth Magic yet. Cool you found a way to make it work though!

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Oh, and before anyone questions it. I’m Alkazair (Al-kah-z-air), not Alkaizer.

Sorry if it confuses any one xD

So, I played Druid… ouch.